Jesse Jackson has compared the current circus budget battle to the Civil War. On Thursday’s “Martin Bashir” on MSNBC, Jackson
[T]his really is a Civil War fight. This is making the federal government dysfunctional on the 150th anniversary of the Civil War...
You have those who believe in states’ rights and those who believe in a more perfect union. States’ right are anti-civil rights, anti-workers’ right to bargain, anti-social justice, pro-rich and significantly insensitive to poor people — that was the great divide 150 years ago and it’s the great divide today in the ideological sense.
Lincoln scholar Thomas DiLorenzo, who has
exposed Lincoln as a racist, in
today's LRC just happens to tell us what Jackson's Civil War advocates for a "more perfect union" were really all about:
What the North "excelled" in was the waging of total war on the civilian population of the South. The Lincoln administration instituted the first federal military conscription law, and then ordered thousands of Northern men to their death in the savage and bloody Napoleonic charges that characterized the war. When tens of thousands of Northern men deserted, the Lincoln administration commenced the public execution of deserters on a daily basis. When New Yorkers rioted in protest of military conscription, Lincoln ordered 15,000 soldiers to the city where they murdered hundreds, and perhaps thousands of draft protesters (See Iver Bernstein, The New York City Draft Riots)...
As for the war being a victory of "manners,"...consider this: When the women of New Orleans refused to genuflect to U.S. Army troops who were occupying their city and killing their husbands, sons and brothers, General Benjamin "Beast" Butler issued an order that all the women of that city were to henceforth be treated as prostitutes. "As the officers and soldiers of the United States have been subject to repeated insults from the women . . . of New Orleans," Butler wrote in his General Order Number 28 on May 15, 1862, "it is ordered that thereafter when any female shall, by word, gesture, or movement, insult or show contempt for any officer or soldier of the United States, she shall be regarded and held liable to be treated as a woman of the town plying her avocation." Butler’s order was widely construed as a license for rape, and he was condemned by the whole world...during the war the North was anything but "democratic": Lincoln illegally suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus and imprisoned tens of thousands of Northern political critics without any due process; shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers; deported Congressman Clement Vallandigham of Ohio for criticizing him; threatened to imprison Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for issuing the (correct) opinion that Lincoln’s suspension of Habeas Corpus was unconstitutional; censored all telegraphs; rigged elections; imprisoned duly elected members of the Maryland legislature along with Congressman Henry May of Baltimore and the mayor of Baltimore; illegally orchestrated the secession of West Virginia to give the Republican Party two more U.S. senators...
Tom DiLorenzo is truly an intellectual tour de force. He departs from the usual by actually supporting his arguments with real, historical facts, not school house myths. I had an awakening to him when he suggested to a Lincoln supporter to read not the 2nd inaugural, but the 1st inaugural. There is no better evidence that Lincoln was a racist (his own words). I soon read it and was blown away.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out yourself and see:
I am sure that all of the parasites that feed off of government at all different levels and in many different ways are going to come out of the wood work today. Jesse Jackson hasn't figured out that the left marginalized him quite some time ago when he dared to chastise "Dear Leader".
ReplyDeleteUsing words like "racist" for figures in the past is anachronistic. By contemporary standards, most people in the past were racist.
ReplyDeleteLeave these kinds of labels to the left. It is enough to explode the myth without creating a demon with horns in its place.
"more perfect union"
ReplyDeleteHas a more perfect absurdity ever been promoted in politics? A union perfected could be made no better, and a union that could be made better would not be perfect.
Perhaps Hamilton and his crew were trying to be funny when they published that famous phrase, if not also daring skeptics to accuse them of knavery. I doubt the same can be said truthfully of JJ, however. He seems a little dull.
At any rate, Hamilton and his crew were imperialists, as Publius confessed in the very first paragraph of Federalist No. 1. Lincoln, another humorless dullard, was merely doing his part to perpetuate the empire.
So, Jesse Jackson, thy name is Imperialist.