We are pleased to recognize Joseph Stiglitz, a Senior Fellow and Chief Economist at the Roosevelt Institute, on being named to the 2011 TIME 100, TIME magazine’s annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. The full list and related tributes appear in the May 2 issue of TIME, available on newsstands now. The entry is authored by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, found here.
He may be influential, but that is just plain scary. He is clueless about free markets. (See here.) He wants to ditch profit and loss for social responsibility. (See here) He sure knows how to babble in favor of the global elite. (See here) He cheers on minimum wage laws. (See here) He's pushing for IMF created SDR's to become the new global reserve currency. (See here)
Helluva a guy this Stiglitz. He is just one huge apologist for the global elitists. No wonder, that the Roosevelt Institute and TIME think he's great. And that America's second pet poodle, who manged to sell off 60% of UK's gold reserves around $300 an ounce, is not afraid to tell us that Stiglitz is in particular a great conversationalist. I can picture the two of them sittng in the corner of a room at some elitist dark paneled club and, over a few drinks, bitching about gold.
Time is still around? Wow, my parents used to read it.