Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wow, Weisenthal Explains Why a Ron Paul Presidential Run is a Big Deal

Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal view on the Ron Paul run will not make either neocons or Ben Bernanke happy. He says the world has shifted and that the world is now talking about what Ron Paul was warning about, as a lone wolf, in 2008. Here's Weisenthal:
In 2008, Paul ran a cult campaign as a libertarian, anti-Fed, anti-war Republican.

At the time, nobody in the GOP really cared about the Fed, and for the most part, Bush's wars enjoyed broad support.

Today they're Obama's wars, and the Fed is one of the most disliked institutions around, taking daily abuse even from mainstream outlets like CNBC.

It's inconceivable to think that in the GOP primary, candidates won't be asked for their position on Bernanke, quantitative easing, the role of the dollar, and of all the candidates, only Ron Paul has made a career on all these issues. In fact, after decades fighting his fight, he must be somewhat shocked that in just the last few years, his ideology has become so popular (or maybe he's shocked that it took so long).

In 2008, the GOP primary was dominated by...candidates like Mitt Romney and John McCain and Fred Thompson and even Rudy Giuliani. They were content to basically ignore what Ron Paul had to say. This time, they'll be fighting on his turf.


  1. Unfortunately, Ron Paul still has the same issue he had in 2008 and before - he has spectacular ideas and incredible intelligence, but is quite poor at communicating them in a way Joe Six Pack can understand.

    Please don't get me wrong, Paul is my choice and I will cast a vote for him. But until he can eloquently describe what he means without stuttering, or tripping over his words, he won't be ready to square off against orators like Obama or Romney. He'll come off like a crazy old man in front of the sheeple. And last I checked, the sheeple get to vote.

  2. Robert, do you think those old newsletters will be trotted out again? I can't imagine they won't, at some point. A lot of people who don't follow politics still don't even know who Ron Paul is. It stands to reason that, if he is gaining steam, his opponents, either in the Republican primaries or (wishful thinking) the general election, will bring up the newsletters to horrify boobus americanus. What then?
