Tuesday, May 3, 2011

White House: We Lied the First Time

Politico is reporting that the White House is re-spinning the events surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden:
The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces...

At a televised White House briefing Monday afternoon, Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan said bin Laden joined in the fight that several residents of the Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound put up against the Navy SEALs during the 40-minute operation.

“He [bin Laden] was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in. And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don’t know,” Brennan said.

At a Pentagon briefing earlier in the day, a senior defense official said bin Laden used a woman as a human shield so he could fire shots. “He was firing behind her,” the official said.

In another background briefing early Monday morning, a senior administration official also said bin Laden put up a fight. “He did resist the assault force. And he was killed in a firefight,” the official said.

However, during a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters later Monday, a senior White House official said bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, apparently by the U.S. raid team.

Another White House official familiar with the TV briefing confirmed the change to POLITICO, adding, “I’m not aware of him having a weapon.”
As Lew Rockwell has pointed out, it is standard operating procedure for the government to spin any capture/killing of a prized enemy in a manner that paints the enemy in the most unfavorable light. Thus, the story that bin Laden used a female shield in an attempt to protect himself during the raid. It turns out this story was completely fabricated.

It's being re-spun because in this day of video cameras on every cell phone, the public knows that U.S. military personnel did not attack without cameras on their helmets. The failure to release the raid video, along with the dumping of bin Laden's body at sea, is leaving a highly suspicious public and Obama has a presidential race to run with the killing of bin Laden as the centerpiece. In order to counter the highly suspicious public, the White House is contemplating releasing the kill video. But first they have to spin out the original story of bin Laden using one of  his wives to shield him, since the video would contradict that version of events.


  1. Who cares about the details, we got him! Now we can move on and find those darn WMD.

  2. So not quite Justice served, more rubbing out an enemy of a mob.

  3. According to Chinese and Pakistani media, US forces were not involved in the killing of the man now claimed to be bin laden.

    Pakistani forces, responding to shoot-down of one of their helicopters, engaged the suspected group in a firefight. After the man was already dead did neighbors say they thought he might have been Bin Laden (who has been reported by numerous sources, including Fox News, as having died of natural causes in December 2011). It was at this point that US forces intervened, snatched the body, and Obama tried to take credit for a deliberate hunting down of Bin Laden.

    The photo of 'dead Osama' has already been discredited, and now the White House is having to backtrack on their official version of events.

    Here is where decades of US Government lies really comes back to bite, because nobody will take the word of the US any more, no matter how many paid flag-wavers they plant in front of the White House at 1 in the morning!

  4. Can't believe ANYTHING the the lying US government says.

  5. osama has been dead since dec 2001. give me a bleeking break.

  6. i want to know where the outrage is from the families of the victims of 9/11 for not being able to see his real body??????? what a huge slap in the face to them! This whole ordeal has been one huge psychological operation from the beginning. but thats what happens when you listen to television

  7. I wonder what the connection is between the whole bin Laden thing and the assassination of Benazir Bhutto...

  8. What the US government can still do is make a fake video with the help of Bombywood that shows the initial version of events...

  9. So just what the hell was everyone in the situation room watching (supposed live feed from Navy Seal headcam) to have to change the details. Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy. Of course, most of the sheeple and the MSM won't make this connection, among so many others.

  10. Wow! Obumbler lied! You could knock me over with a feather.

    BTW, fraud Obama didn't kill OBL. The military, which he hates, did. But he'll take credit for it anyway, the hypocrite.

  11. As the operation was unfolding I have it on good authority they were watching Trump's new show "Celebrity Politician - the White House Amateurs"

  12. Very surprised that some of the comments really believe this fabricated OBL story that he was killed recently when in fact and on record that he died 8-9 years ago of Kidney Disease and was treated at the military camp. They kept him on ice and waited till the last minute to create a diversion from the plunging dollar, government run Nazi style healthcare, dismantling of our Constitutional Rights, police state, TSA everywhere, etc. OBL is and was a bogeyman to create fear mongering amongst the American people as a pretext to have these illegal wars all over and now with Barry Sotero's disintegrating support they had this phoney and staged capture with ridiculous photo shop images of OBL which a 9 year old can do better. You all better wake up....

  13. Maybe we should ask to see the Death Certificate.

  14. Anyone else notice the Fox new ticker Sunday night reporting Bin Laden was killed the previous weekend? Thought that was kinda strange and confusing. Yeah,,I know, I know, Fox "News" and all that, but just wondered.

  15. somebody left the door to reality open!, there's
    a draft in here! the bath waters been dumped mom, anybody seen the baby?, 1&3 are already feathered
    and 4 is on fire, your orders sir ??

  16. OBL is finally found and dead, which was the objective. All else is conjecture.

  17. The US governments credibility was destroyed long ago. Even someone with a room temperature I.Q. should be in doubt. What is it going to take to wake up the US citizenry to see that their government is the biggest criminal organization there is. Obama sneaking into their rooms at night and pounding them in the arse in personally

  18. I dont believe that we got him...suspiciously they dumped his body at sea...no pictures,,, no video,,,this is a sham,,,a set-up by the obummer administration and the cia...oh yeah..the cia...why were they there? are they always on seal team raids for support? i dont think so!!! get the "F" outta here!!! the cia was there to do the cover up ...to do the spin..to create this story out of thin air...i dont believe for 1 minute that obummers incapable administration caught anything more that a cold...

  19. bin laden died of kidney failure in 1995.

  20. Gosh. The govt lying?? No way. CPI numbers fudged? Unemployment numbers fudged? No way.

    Let's find those weapons of mass destruction now!!

  21. What a bunch of bigoted, nut case conspiracy theorists. You people need to find another country in which to live!!!

  22. Bin Laden had NO WEAPONS. Our guys shot and killed an UNARMED MAN. Whooooppeee. That's WAR - MOTHER Freaker. What did Bin Laden expect when he sent four planes into the World Trade Cetner killing thousands of unarmed civilians. The Bible says, - "What ye sew, so shall ye reap." Proving our God is better than theirs. www.founder.efoodsglobal.com PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - GET FOOD STORED for the COMING COLLAPSE of the financial system.

  23. So far there has been no credible "proof" of any of this story. I don't believe any of it.

  24. If the Feds would lie about the details of the engagement, then what makes us question that they would make the whole thing up? I say, "I'm from Missouri -- Show me the body."

  25. Obama's gone way too far lying all the time, people are sick of hearing made up stories and un-kept promises. Hopefully this will be his down fall for the 2012 election. He has already stated he will not release the pictures, which I figured, due to the fact that Bin Laden died in 2001. The only thing that worries me is that the smaller the hole becomes for him to hide in, the more likely the chances of a false flag attach. If he can't win, he'll be a sore loser!

  26. It's so obvious it was not Bin Laden. That's why they dumped the body in the sea. No proof. The country is broke and can't afford these wars, and rather than admitting that, they will probably use this as a reason for pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. We should have pulled out after we got Saddam Hussein. Obama's ratings are also down - another reason for this created story.

  27. This is nothing but theater. Nobody but the knuckle-dragging, propaganda-devouring, ignorant American public believes this story.

  28. Now that he is buried at Sea, Guess who they will blame for the next tsunami? !!!

  29. Obfuscation & confusion coming from the govt?

    It can't be true...! LMAO

  30. Is there anything related with Obama that doesn´t give rise to suspicions? He has lied too much.
    Is currenlty known as Barry and/or Obama Bin Lyin´

  31. I don't even think he is dead

  32. Do I have to pay for a subscription to post a comment here?

  33. Ben Laden is not dead. He is learning to play be bop a lula with Elvis Presley.

  34. Not only is this fake but his so-called birth certificate he found has been proven fake as well, good job alternative media for exposing the lies as soon as they happen, Hillary Clinton seems nervous and wants more funding for propaganda CNN Hollywood news.

  35. Hey, Somebody help me light my lantern, I'm off to search for an HONEST MAN , cheers, Hammertime

  36. he never existed, he's just an urban myth.

  37. I can't believe they don't have a computer graphics expert in the White House that can give us what we want.

  38. Conspiracy theorists are the true liars and nuts. In a 40-minute raid filled in excessive heat and dust, in a foreign country 60 miles from their capital, you think this went "according to plan?" No, they didn't have helmet cams. No they didn't have accurate initial intelligence. Yes, the buried the body at sea for obvious reasons (you want a burial that makes an even bigger target and shrine?) Christ people, start thinking!

  39. This BEN has 1 US birth certificate and 2 US death certificates, one in 2001. Was born in Wisconsin, joined US Army, joined CIA language school, sent to form "groups" to sell arms.
    Aim was "DRUGS" for the UK supply. See World Reports.org/archives for details.
    He received a NAVY bureal at Sea.

  40. The same old Brittany song with the lyrics, Ooops, I did it again. However, in this case, add again-to-the-cubed, well, so far. Looks like there is no Story-Board for this show, but just a statement verbally passed around the room with the most recent outburst barely similar to the original. Or, did we have at least 4 different raids, but all in the smae place? Or, in the excitement, each of the audience ran-out to tell their handlers what happened and all, as you would say, was 'lost in the translation'. Or, did the picture come in fuzzy and did it just have arabic sub-titles? So many questions, and unfortunately, so many answers. The Good news, it looked like Biden stayed awake for this event. He appears sharper when watching TV than live shows.

  41. bin laden said they would bleed the u s dry like
    they did russia.we are more than broke.he was
    directly or indirectly responsible for the death
    and wounding of 3000 civilians and additional
    thousands of service men and women.i hope he
    was killed in the raid.not only to be rid of him
    but that our military would not be complicit in

  42. Remember Chenney's DUPLICATE being killed as soon as his airplane landed in Australia?
    BEN , the 2nd BEN, was an actor for $1,000,000,00 fee, got a NAVY bureal at sea.
    Hollywood could be dangerous.
    The 2nd BEN, was CIA language school trained for "OVERSEAS" duty. He got very well paid, but he was found out, while playing on the Internet.

  43. Why don't you asses telling us he died a few years ago at least get your dates right. December 2011? 1995? ...
    I know the whole thing is a fake, but do ya have to be so damn illiterate about it.

  44. Does it matter if he had a weapon? If he was behind the 9/11 attack, he deserved what he got. His body should have been brought back to the United States, his body should have been drug through the streets of D.C. THEN a bucket of pig blood poured on his body!

  45. I wonder how such nonsense can come about, but I think I've come upon the reason. You must assume that people are stupid. These comments by anomymous and others gives credence to that assumption.

  46. ISA. 3.: 12.- 15. Says It ALL (About Our So-Called "Leaders")In THIS Very Day As WELL!
    "Semper-Fi!" & Manly, Marine BigJim (HAISCH)!
    (1.Cor.13.: 11.).

  47. glad to see that most people commenting are not brainless american zombies who believe everything the govt tells them......to the moron who said they didn't have helmet cams.......they claimed they were watching a live feed of the raid in the white house......just go back to being a mindless drone idiot!!!

  48. How do we know Obummer is a'lyin??? His lips be movin'
    Ha! Ha! Ha!

  49. Lies, lies and more lies! How so many people are so gullible as to believe the story of events emanating from the White House is beyond belief! ... Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 and in fact condemned it, as his interview with the Pakistan newspaper Ummat in 2001, just after the attacks, makes perfectly clear ... " I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle" ... Bin Laden reportedly died of renal and pulmonary disease on Dec 14th 2001 ... Doctored video and audio tapes of his so-called "confession" regarding 9/11, subsequently released by the CIA, are just fakes ... Bin Laden, a former CIA agent, is nothing more than a posthumous "patsy" in the same way that Lee Harvey Oswald, another former CIA agent, was set up as a "patsy" for the CIA coordinated assassination of John F. Kennedy. When will the people of the US wake up! The real enemy is your own government and the crooks, con-men and thugs on Wall St, in Washington DC and at Langley who are destroying your financial and economic welfare, perverting your governance and destroying your constitution.

  50. I would have kept him alive, brought him to the U.S, dropped him off at the airport and for the rest of his life, make him continuously go back and forth through airport security.

    He got off easy.

  51. He was buried at sea. A handful of pissed-off SEALs tossed the Alive OBL out the door of the helicopter and his weighted body fell from about the same height as those who jumped out of the twin towers. Shhh, say nothing.

  52. America has totally lost it's way. No wonder, it has trashed the Constitution(no legal standards anymore) and the gold standard (no real money anymore). We are like children lost forever in the woods. You know what happens after that don't you.

  53. Well, it might be that history says that such an assumption would be to a major part true.

    Who, except for a stupid, would believe that 8 tons of kerosene could heat up several thousands of tons of heat resistant steel, to the point of collapsing a steel-framed building?

    Or that the "pancake" theory could in any credible way account for the top part of WTC disintegrating into dust of flower size particles? Or the the buildings collapsing at free-fall speed? And virtually all the extra-hardened concrete of the two buildings not reaching the street level as floor slates or even lumps, but as micro-dust?

    There are holes here, in the story, with very severe implications, as to the identity of the perpetrators, that you could run ocean liners through - cross-wise - yet no one has reacted, except for a very few brave hearts.

    So, yeah, people are stupid, and they are often chicken as well (not sheeple), far from what the Founding Fathers envisaged as being their proud inheritors.

    They have already traded away their freedoms and liberty, for the illusion of personal safety.

    Benjamin Franklin said that those who are willing to do so, deserves neither...

    Are you proud?

  54. As many have already pointed out...Benazir Bhutto, the first 35 year-old female Pakistani Prime Minister pointed out in an interview on the BBC with David Frost on 11/3/2007, Osama Bin Laden was murdered/assassinated a while back by the same Islamic extremeists that were threatening her at that time. She named them in that interview, and the BBC pulled the comment about Bin Laden out and re-released it; to so much opposition (the cat was already let out of the bag, so to speak) that they had to repost the video in its original form. In the weeks before her assassination, between the time the video aired and 12/2007, she never recanted her public statement - Osama Bin Laden was already dead. The U.S. agression in the mid-east was a farce foist on the American people to continue to extract American tax dollars to fund a war for political and monetary gain, nothing more. This was not a war about terrorism, spreading democracy or peace-keeping...this was a war on our American economy and pocketbooks. We're nearly broke over this political hulla-baloo and Americans are waving flags in the streets rather than waving their fists at a government hell-bent on breaking the backs of what's left of the American worker and crippling the American economy. Our "representatives" in government aren't in the habit of governing themselves, but they'll sure tell us how to live our lives...from the food we eat to the things we can say in our email without the "Patriot Act" blindsiding us. But, we still believe their CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, LMNOP...lies and never question authority or who's feeding us these lies...WAKE UP AMERICANS or you'll find yourselves without a U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as well!

  55. The south did not win the cvil war,the north did
    and the slaves were freed. Obama is a free man born in the united states and a majorty of the people elected him thear president. As president he has accomplished more in two years than most presidents do in two full terms. He got through unersival health care. An accomplishment the last ten presidents failed to do and he found and killed Bin Laden. Something George Bush tried to do for ten years. One of George's prob lems was he was looking in the wrong country. There is only one problem with Obama that all the biggett in the prior statments can not stand and that is that he is black. Get used to him he will be around for six more years.

  56. One thing for sure is that Anonymouw is FOS!!!!!!!!!!!...

  57. is this a trick from obama to get votes in 2012

  58. Only two things you need to know:

    1) "African" was not a race in 1961.
    2) No body, no evidence of a body. OBL was not killed by the military as claimed.

    Obama is in trouble in the polls, he knows it and these two recent events are his "hail Mary's" to try to make things better. He effed-up both.


  60. What about when Bhutto came on BBC and told the interviewer that Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2001 and then she was assassinated! The entire story is a lie as a ploy to gain the trust of the American people to stop asking questions about out foreign policy agenda's and to try to get this president another term. Dont you understand that this is sheer lying.

  61. The most insulting part of all of this is the fact that we provide our lousy goverment with a blank check to use to generate all this smoke & mirrors. America we have sold our souls to the devil. It's much easier to beleive lies than to face the reality that our once great nation is no more.

  62. Who should care about the lying retoric that comes from this administration....Benezir Bhutto named OBLs'assassin in a video interview a while back,just before she was assassinated herself...( you tube Benizer Bhutto former PM of Pakistan)...She was a pretty lady...it is no wonder that the bulbus nosed stain maker and cigar efficionato gave the Pakis' nuke technology...


  64. What a crock of shit. OBL had nothing to do with 911. Those buildings were brought down with perfect explosions that no planes could do. They just needed to blame someone so they could get the public behind the war effort. Now companies like Halaburtin (A Bush company by the way) have pocketed billions of dollars at taxpayer expense and thousands of innocent people have been killed and the wheel just keeps turning. Who has profited from this war? It sure hasn't been the American public. Now, when the time is right they come out with this crap about WOW! all our efforts have finaly paid off and we got the culprit.BULLSHIT!!

  65. Political ploy by the Obama administration to have an excuse to exit Afghan. This group is unscrupulous in its methodolgy of deceit for political cover and gain. Let the helmet videos be released for all to see. What a sham to think that they really could pull this off. I want total transparancy and I want Congress to interogate the seals who participated in this mission. Oh by the way now the Chinese will be able to build their own stealth chopper.

  66. I'm just wondering what the motive of this article is? And why it was even written in the first place..

    The details of how we killed Bin Laden are irrelevant. I don't care if he was truly holing the bible praying to jesus.. it's not the issue here.

    You're trying to make 'the spin' and issue which first of all you don't even know who created 'the spin' in the first place. Could have been the US Gov't, could have been a news agency, could have been a lone individual. Through the chain of reporting, you really don't know for certain.

    With that said, what does it matter? I question your motive for writing this and can only come to the conclusion that even when the government succeeds, you will always search for a negative part of the story. You cherry pick for negative ideas which is in itself more damaging to our society than the spin on a news story.

    It may be in your better interest to write about things that actually matter to our society.. this whole Bin Laden ordeal has already taken up enough time on the airwaves as of late.

  67. Ummm who the F@CK cares if he was armed, human shield, etc. etc. It's all just minutiae in the bigger picture. Let's all just rejoice at the elimination of a piece of human trash.

  68. If this happened and if bin Laden was not armed, then the logical ending of this story would have been to take him alive (to prove he was who we say he was), bring him back to the U.S. and put him in prison and start picking his brain for information.....

  69. OBL died of kidney disease 9 years ago.

  70. fact is the president send an assination team in to a friendly ( we give them $3 Billion a year) with out their knowledge and executed an unarmed man (without due process) in his home ,in his pajamas in front of his family and then dumped his body in the ocean. Those are the facts without the spin.

  71. Desperate.
    Perception perceived is perception believed.
    They found Jesus as well, Mohamid, budaha,al Capone etc.
    The aliens are coming for a U.N. symposium next week.

  72. And, he was such a nice man to kill too! I had to kill two baby racoons (and I'm a woman) because they grow up to eat my chickens, raid my fishing gear, break into my house etc. Broke my heart but some things you just have to do. I don't remember those 3,000 at the World Trade Center or passengers on the Pennsylvania flight being armed when they died by this thugs squad. I imagine thousands of other innocents now dead would agree! Good riddance no matter how you throw out the evil garbage people hater's in this world! Leave Obama alone, he's definitely no worse than those before him and much better than most of them!

  73. Is it possible that the Republicans are setting Obama up? the story has already changed so many times that no thinking person could believe it, but the direction of the change is such that the killing of OBL looks increasingly more inappropriate, now OBL is apparently unarmed in his bedroom. At some point in time even the US Christian majority is going to start asking if this is reasonable. Obama was very clear at the start that this raid was his responsibility and that he gave the orders. It seems probable that using the latest version of events OBL's shooting was a violation of international law.

  74. Being from another country, (Australia), it is heartening to read comments from Americans that are aware of what lies and deceit their government is feeding them. Problems in your country are without doubt reaching levels that would have been unfathomable even 40 years ago. Reading these posts gives me hope that you people can actually make the changes required by being critical and informed. To the posters that dismiss the so-called conspiracy theorists as nutjobs; Do some resarch for yourself. There is so much evidence but you are just blind and scared to believe the truth. People in other countries are generally amazed at what the American Govt has been able inflict on it's citizens. Good luck to you all.

  75. IF, in fact Osama was killed, it would seem reasonable to publicize a picture after he was cleaned up--no gore to inflame the terrorists. However it would give closure to the 9/11 victims and get rid of some of the conspiracy discussions.

  76. Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 of MARFAN SYNDROME and not kidney disease as others are saying. This was his official "health or condition" listed on the CIA roster as reported by Dr. Steve Pieczenik. Look this man up! He is the modern day Jack Ryan.....literally!

  77. Bin Laden was shot a long time ago, he lied in ice.

  78. Just what Sea did the body get dumped in if the SEALs flew from Afghanistan to Pakistan and back? Seems to me there just isn't any "Sea" to dump" a fully wrapped and prepared body in the Muslim tradition" which won't go SPLAT into the side of a mountain top someplace in the middle of no-where.

    And, I can't believe that Pakistan would allow a open air flight of a U.S. stealth helo, or worse yet they flew totally undetected the entire length of Pakistan, to dump a body into the Indian Ocean. The press kept saying that the Navy dumped his body into the Sea, and the only Sea is the Black Sea, and I don't think the Soviets are going to allow our Navy into their Sea to carry out a BlackOp. The next closest Sea is the Med.

    The SEAL way would be, someone opened the hatch at a couple thousand feet over some really unreachable pointy rocks and gullys and said, "that looks like a good spot to dump the body, SEE, way down there". And with that, he was buried at SEE. End of story. The President could now say to the world that OBL, was buried at SEA, and all the world would respect the Muslim in the White House for being such a great guy about honoring burial traditions of the brutal murderer. Of course, he would never know that OBL was actaully buried at SEE, in a little place now known as "smash-and-crash" Afghanistan, which is a lot less than honorable, but a highly fitting burial at SEE!

  79. Who really cares a couple more muslims bit the dust, it was a good touch to kill the children before the get older and strap on a bomb.

    The region should be renamed Chaostan.

  80. well, what I don't get is that NOW, they are saying that the terrorists are going to avenge OBL's death and we better watch out!

    So they are going to be even more terrible terrorist's than before? I thought they were out to get us all this time, not just because he's finally dead. (or not)

  81. This was done in SPITE of obummer and his side kick Criminal val, of course like always he take Credit for what he did NOT want to do, IF it's successful!

  82. Everyone here is full of shit ..... No one is making sense n all are getting all the dates confused ....... yeah we might not have a great gov making all the decisions each of us would like but eve though I would a million times prefer to live here than anywhere where else where u get killed n have no rights what so ever and your life is limit to being a nobody... Governments are ment to fail and at that a moment a new is going to resurface but this does not mean that the American citizen are zombies or uneducated or w.e you all claim us to be ....:: all of you that are making all these shity comments j bet have never experienced harsh conditions or living I'n other governments all you guys know is from watching tv readind and drawing your own conclusions seriously gain the experience before talking so much crap

  83. I for now am very skeptical of this administration and all of the contradictions about OBL. I won't believe anything about OBL's whereabouts until I have proof of his demise. I am sure that are many of us that don't quite believe he is fish food. come on....that's too way other. No proof of him being dumped and if a body was dumped, was it OBL? I for one want to see proof, show us the video of his killing and or of him being dumped and show us his face that it is him. I don't know....something smells fishy here, pun intended.

  84. man some of these comments kill me...you guys keep slamming the obama administration...and conveniently forget that it was the bush admin that conjured up this whole "war on terror" bogus nonsense in the first place that caused the US to be in the precarious position that it is in financially, politically, and security wise...it doesnt matter who is in congress or the white house...they are all clueless...as long as the corporate jackyls are making out no one really cares what the truth is or how the little guy on the street is affected...stop politicizing...dems, republicans, tea partiers..its all BS...doesnt matter who is in charge they are all puppets..

  85. I am from Canada and think the whole story is suspicious. A very inexperienced president desperate to stay in control. He reminds me of when Trudeau was our prime minister. His charisma also got him voted in and because of the terrible mistakes he made our country has been in a financially mess ever since. His policies of 20+ percent interest rates to curb inflation caused our recession and the huge debt we now have. Just as we look back at Trudeau has having been one of our most destructive prime ministers I think in 20 years Obama will be remembered for his decisions that will bring America to the point of collapse. Sooner or later if Obama is lying the public will find out and he will be turfed long before the consequences of his poor financial policies get him fired.

  86. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnychOXj9Tg

    If Obama releases anything it will probably be a HOLLYWOOD version, he has lot's of friends there.

    Benazir Bhutto said Osama was murdered, she had no reason to lie since she knew her own life was probably ending.

  87. Judging from what i've seen of conspiracy addicts, they seem to be unhappy or maladjusted people. I wonder if their bitter minds will help nature to provide them with an earlier exit from life. So you base evidence of UBL's earlier actual death on article from PAKISTANI newspaper or Paki politician ?? Why not a statement from the guy on the next barstool? BTW, what kind of jobs do the conspiracy people do - do they do actual logic-based work? Claims require evidence!

  88. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212851/Has-Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-seven-years--U-S-Britain-covering-continue-war-terror.html

    2009 article and NOT from Pakistan, LOL.

  89. The White House couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery let alone tell the truth abouth Mr Bin Laden,who as Benazir Bhutto said was murdered years ago or died as I believe from kidney failure.The slime in the white house were to eager to get their bullshit across to the world that they couldn't agree on a proper story that was convincing enough to get one over the world press and its readers.
    America as is now known has been an inveterate liar throughout the ages.Its all to do with cover ups ,greed,fraud,and dowright deciet.

  90. The picture from the "war room" tells it all...Nothing but a bunch of bewildered miscreant politicians ,each with their own personal and political agendas to serve, peering nervously at the screen realizing that any credibility they may have had is evaporating right before their eyes. All with the exception of Oblahma who's expression resembles that of a sixteen year old who's just had the car keys taken away from him. Break out the titanium umbrellas cuz the shitstorm is approaching.

  91. I read an interview in the Parade Magazine with Benazir Bhutto just giving an answer to a question and included in that answer was the comment that Bin Laden is dead,but said in a manner as if everyone knows that. Shortly thereafter she was killed really...she not have stuck her head through the top of car she was riding in,duh

  92. If we suspend disbelief and accept the suspicious official narrative about the demise of Osama, even hardcore, jaded libertarians cannot but marvel at the breathtaking waste, destructiveness and incompetence of government. The government spend almost ten years pissing away $3 trillion of our money launching unconstitutional attacks on our liberties and waging needless, criminal wars with all the attendant death, suffering and destruction to supposedly destroy public enemy #1. Yet, in the end, all it took was simple detective work and a swat raid!

    After this towering fiasco, how can any thinking person believe that government should be trusted to efficiently deliver any goods or services, especially healthcare?

  93. Did any of you notice that NASA will have no more flights to space.?
    So now our super secret satallites will be maintained by the Russians, Chinese, European Union and whomever else the wealthy decide. which means: our nuclear weapons, communicatins with military forces, nuclear submarines both attack and missile, air force flights of all kinds etc is under the control of conmpeting governments.
    are you worried yet?
