Friday, July 29, 2011

Cop Cars Spotted Outside New York Fed...

CNBC is reporting.

It's much too much, though, to believe these guys are finally going to get arrested. More likely, the Fed's copy of  The General Theory and a copy of Milton Friedman's A Monetary History of the United States were stolen.


  1. Something I just noticed, General Theory is ranked 201,996 in book sales on Amazon, while Human Action is 29,776.

  2. Perhaps busting the counterfeiting operation or someone reported dialed 911 to report gold prices were breaking the speed limit.

  3. The taxtaker criminals in blue costume wanted to take over the counterfeit racket in a coup.

    In a world of slaves and slavemasters, it is best to be the slavemaster...Right?

  4. Has anyone checked the maids?

  5. Maybe they though it was a doughnut shop...Someone told them that there's a lot of dough there. The blue-costumed tax-eaters aren't smart enough to be the slavemasters the same way the UAW are too stupid to start their own car company.
