Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Geithner Still Trying to Recover from July 4th?

Direct quote from the Treasury on Geithner's schedule:
On Wednesday, Secretary Geithner will conduct meetings at Treasury. He has no public events.
It should be noted that even if Geithner has meetings at Treasury with outside visitors, it is generally posted on his schedule. Two days in a row without outside visitors is very unusual.


  1. Working on his resume?

  2. trying to find those missing trillions?? Or maybe he has decided to come clean with We the People? I'm not holding my breath.

  3. Excedrin works great for hangovers...

  4. He must have been partying down with his greedy cronies at Goldmans,

    celebrating how the Banksters have raped our nation with their greed,

    our country, 'NOT' (theirs) .. are paying the price for their actions..

    God help them all at Judgement day..

    for you do 'Reap' what you haved 'Sowed"..

    have these people no shame in what they did to US!!!
