Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Summer Vacation Schedule

Joe Nelson emails:
You've been on a roll at EPJ these last few months. I'm seeing lots of new names on the comments, too. Nice work. Give us readers a heads up if you decide to take a well deserved vacation this summer as I need my daily alert fix :)
Joe, no need to worry. I consider my life a vacation. I can't imagine a safari trip that included staring down a lion, with only a Swiss army knife, could be more fun than blowing up Paul Krugman one more time.

The posts shall continue uninterrupted!


  1. Wenzel, you need to have a facebook fan page/like button so we spread the site even more. Just an idea.

  2. Sheesh. You're staring down some lyin' every day of the year...

  3. Love the come back. I'm on vacation--you need to keep blogging.

  4. More caffeine. Less sleep. No vacations. We demand more posts. Don't stop!

  5. You keep writing them and we'll keep reading them!

  6. A sincere appreciation for you, Robert Wenzel, also from the boy that - may be one month ago - asked for a price for a life subscription: (I am coming be patient but) your determination for your blogging work is clearly admirable by me that just feel, by so many years, there is around so much corruption and it seems no one here want to see it, want to insert it in the public debates of the real necessity of ever new regulations whose corruption smell is becoming ever more intense by the year, by the day: be happy someone really admire your effort! In my humble opinion you are really sincere and consciously search, find out at your best and defend the found truths by so many offenders and try to make conscious also some of us that it is possible, giving attention, to let the truth come out or like Leonard Reed said in the title of his book..the truth will out (if you let the market work its justice)

  7. if you're ever in lansing mi, its free coffee and pastry city for you... also i would treat you to a nice dinner if you helped school some leftist friends of mine.... i can only go so far (for now)
