Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Weeks in the Life of Nouriel Roubini

I call Nouriel Roubini the most connected economist going, and it's a well deserved label. He doesn't sit on his butt, he is out there moving around, making the connections. Here are selected Roubini tweets from over roughly the last two weeks, these kinds of tweets from Roubini are not at all uncommon:


  1. Who cares? Are you being paid to advertise for the guy? I just watched this video linked from his website:

    He has nothing interesting or original to say.

  2. Gee -
    I think RW uses him as a gauge to what the PE/PTB are thinking\upto.

  3. Yeah, from what I have seen, RW doesn't report on his theory, just uses Roubini as an indication as to what insiders are thinking.

  4. Originality or high intelligence would probably be a disqualifier for mouthpiece to TPTB.

  5. Gee, google EPJ+Roubini and you'll see that Bob uses him- as the other comments point out- as a gauge of what's coming down the pike w/r/t policy, political appointments, etc. If we attack Iran in September, I won't be surprised because he tweeted about it a few weeks ago.

    He's VERY connected, and knows what and how TPTB think.

  6. When does he ever see his kids, or grandkids?

  7. Much thanks for the info, makes a lot more sense.
