Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Government Might Look Like if the Debt Ceiling isn't Raised

No new regulations. No new harassment of the private sector. No new plotting by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. Just this guy sleeping.

Think about it.


  1. Someone should wake the sleeping bureaucrat and tell him to go back to his desk if he wants to sleep.

  2. I would happily pay 1/2 the taxes I pay now if the whole army of bureaucrats working for gov't would sleep all day, every day and promise not to do one more thing to "help".

  3. I worked briefly at a government agency. One of the employees was asleep at his desk, and he fell out of his chair and injured his elbow. Months of workman's compensation then ensued. My point is that even while asleep bureaucrats can unfairly burden the taxpayer.

  4. Comment #1 = 'comment of the day'

  5. For bureaucrat, sleeping really is more productive to society then if they were about there "work". I'm with you.
