Monday, September 19, 2011

Airline Ticket "Fee" Hike Under Obama's Buffett Tax Plan

Don't think it will be just those who earn $200k plus that will be impacted by Obama's new Buffett Tax Plan. The plan also includes a number of fee increases.

Airline passengers, for instance, would see their federal security fees double from $5 to $10 for a nonstop round-trip and triple to $15 by 2017, raising $25 billion over the coming decade.

Another new fee would increase by one-tenth of a percentage point the fee that mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac charge lenders to guarantee repayment of new mortgage loans. The administration says the fee increase would add $15 a month to the monthly cost of an average new mortgage.

Bottom line: Obama wants to slap middle class America with fees $10 and $15 fees, here and there with his new plan. So much for sticking the tab on Buffett and his buddies, Blankfein and Jamie Dimon.


  1. The UK magazine 'The Spectator' says Buffett is good at "talking out both sides of his mouth.' (see here.)

  2. AP had a "Fact Check" article out this morning showing that secretaries don't pay less in taxes than 99% of "millionaires." One would think that Oblamer's staff would perhaps check the facts before they make their boss such an obvious liar.

  3. Did I read also that they were increasing/adding a fee to cell phone accounts also?

  4. "Did I read also that they were increasing/adding a fee to cell phone accounts also?"

    They're going to tax you every time you "Hope" and they're going to impose a "Change Fee" (it's not a tax). And yes, definitely on your cell phone.

    Ron Paul in 2012 or we are going to get exactly what we deserve. Tyranny.

  5. I love Ron Paul as well but we do not have a dictatorship (yet) so nothing would get through congress, even a republican one as they think he is a little radical as well.

  6. Desperate move in desperate times.

    Obama still isn't serious about tackling the deficit issue.

  7. How about a $15 fee for every time all Obama devotees believe everything or anything he says? should raise Billions

  8. This is all about keeping the show going, and making off with as much scenery (i.e., our dough) as possible, until Americans realize that we've been screwed 3 ways to Sunday. That's when we will see the "Martial Law" scene of this political theatre start.

  9. Haven't we learned our lesson yet? Whenever a politician says, "This will only affect the other guy," it's time to hold on to your wallet.

  10. All in all is there any greener grass than in the USA. In Canada gas costs $5.20 a gallon, most of it is tax. Look about is there a country that has it better than the USA? Even the poor in America live like Kings compared to the living standard of most of Africa, South America, Central America, India, China, Middle East, Russia, Poland etc,. If you think you have it so bad would you feel better living in the Palestinian West Bank? Get a grip. Everyone has been collecting something from the government which is what you pay taxes for. Bridges, roads, clean water, but most of all to pay for a civilized country where the law is the law. You have the right to try to break the law, but in the end the law does get you in the end. Your constitution guarantees you justice in the court. It may take a hell of a lot of work but you do get justice. No one is above the law full stop. So it is not the government but the tax payers that are in big do do. Everyone has asked for more services when there is no more to pay for it. It's time to stop complaining and get to work. Don't have a job then create one. Cutting grass pays well, go cut grass. What you are short of are businesses and people who pay taxes. Ship your jobs and businesses to other countries may get you cheaper goods at Walmart but it destroys your tax base. A good patriotic citizen must get to work, create work, buy what increases you country's tax base. More Americans take pride in owning a gun than working a job. Guns never paid a cent of tax nor feed one child a meal. A working American feeds not only a child but in a domino effect feeds the whole world. Take just pride in yourselves. You deserve it. Just get to work.
