Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ron Paul Hater Attacks Ron Paul for Leasing a Campaign Jet

In a snarky post at CBS, Rodney Hawkins, who is covering Ron Paul for CBS, attacks Dr. Paul for leasing a private jet for the presidential campaign. Lets put it this way, Hawkins is no hawk when it comes to spotting the obvious.

Hawkins tells us that the jet was scheduled to be used for a three-stop tour of Iowa (there was a mechanical problem with the plane, so the first stop was missed).

Hawkins then continues:
 It was time for Air Paul to head back to Washington, D.C. , where he's scheduled to be the featured attraction at a Wednesday morning press breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.
Got that? Four scheduled stops with the plane. What exactly is Dr. Paul supposed to do? I'm guessing that without the leased jet, he would have to cut his campaign schedule by half in order to meet commercial flight schedules. The man is running for president of the United States! He needs to be in New Hampshire, Iowa, Florida, Ohio on any given day. Would Hawkins be happy if Dr. Paul packed a Winnebago and only attended events that he could drive to---and still get back to Congress for meetings of his monetary policy subcommittee? The jet is a necessity.

Further, I have seen what Hawkins calls "Air Paul", it's a jet engine propelled puddle jumper. I think it sits six. You can't stand straight up in the damn thing. Probably the most courageous thing Dr. Paul is doing is flying in that bird. Think Volkswagen, not Cadillac.


  1. the best part is... no TSA!

  2. When they can't argue against his ideas, they attack what they believe are personal shortcomings, when in reality they are sad reflections of their own misgivings.

  3. Ron Paul can do whatever he damn well pleases! Plus I'm sure he's not too popular with the TSA goons, hehe.

  4. Good thing we have CBS news to make sure we don't miss important stuff like this! C.B.S Constantly Broadcasting ______.

  5. The Pravda media at it again....

  6. a real muckracker, huh!

  7. How DARE Ron Paul actually campaign efficiently! The nerve! The audacity!!!

  8. Speaking of that plane, I had a twinge of fear that someone would sabotage it. I do hope that well-trusted mechanics maintenance it, as well as, trustworthy men guard it day and night.

    The more he rises in the polls, the more many will want him to fall like Paul Wellstone.

  9. Apparently the only legitimate use for airplanes is airlifting buses to campaign sights and warning the masses about "global warming". I am sure Rick Perry travels by horseback like a good Texan, Sarah Palin travels by dog sled, and Gary Johnson by covered wagon. How dare Ron Paul use an airplane.
