Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Wonder This Economics Major is Only Employed as a Babysitter

An OWS protester who witnessed and recored on her cellphone  a confrontation in NYC between Citibank customers and Citibank employees, tells us about herself:
I’m an underemployed recent college graduate with a degree in economics (of all things) and like many in my generation I have over $50,000 in student loans. I’m currently working as a babysitter to try and pay the bills.

This is why I organize with Occupy Wall Street. Because I am part of the 99%–and if you’re reading this, there’s a 99% chance that you are too! The most beautiful thing about the Occupy Movement is that we can create, on a small scale, a version of the society in which we would like to live. A society with free education and health care–where democracy is participatory and real and our social relationships are founded on community, mutual aid, equality, respect, and solidarity.
Where the hell do you get an economics degree and still think education and health care can be "free"? Could this woman possibly have a clue about, profit and loss, the division of labor or supply and demand? Using her logic, personally, I think babysitters should work for free. Who the hell else is around to watch the kids, when the protesters are out protesting?


  1. This kind of thinking is all too commonplace. Why can't they ever bitch about income taxes or the lack of sound money?

  2. She should have added...

    "...we can create, on a small scale, a version of the society in which we would like to live. A society with free education and health care–where democracy is participatory and real and our social relationships are founded on community, mutual aid, equality, respect, and solidarity.... And where where no one has the right to deny any of our demands, especially Burger King."

    (See here)

  3. With comments like that, I feel a bit reassured in knowing that no one has hired her for her economic acumen. Also, I'm guessing that $50,000 debt is why she hasn't been able to pick up a copy of Hoppe's "Democracy: The God That Failed."

  4. What's sad is that she would have been MUCH better off spending just $30 for the book "Economics for Dummies". She does not have the brain power of strength of caracter to even BEGIN to comprehend Hoppe's great book. What would you expect for $50K at IdiotU?

  5. It does not surprise me that the American unemplyment rate is so high..I'm surprised that it is this LOW! Just goes to show the strength of the country in that complete morons can be offered paying jobs.

  6. "Where the hell do you get an economics degree and still think education and health care can be "free"?"

    Princton, Yale, MIT, ...

  7. What she means by "free" is that she wants to use government violence to extract stuff from everyone else. She just doesn't want to say it that way.

    It take 4 years and $100K in tuition to become that stupid.

  8. Ah grasshopper

    Each of you has a valid points - even the young lady who yearns for a system where "democracy is participatory and real and our social relationships are founded on community, mutual aid, equality, respect, and solidarity." Do we all not wish to live in such a world?

    Sadly, she has grown up in a system that has made her a slave without her knowledge. Is it unreasonable for her to believe what she has been taught? Your anger is misplaced. She is not the enemy. If she knew better, she would do better.

    Rejoice for her. She is on a great pilgrimage and she is learning. We should praise and encourage her for questioning those that have enslaved her mind. Self reliance does not come easily, but it is worth the struggle. She is on the front line - it will change her forever. Have the grace to grant her some missteps along the way.

    Realize that when we deride others, it weakens us all - something that the true adversary has always known - "divide and conquer". This is exactly why we have a two party system, both controlled by the same wizard behind the curtain. It is also why the Tea-party has been redirected - "the best way to control the opposition is to lead the opposition".

    Be alert, listen to all viewpoints, do not judge. Teach and encourage.

    Be of good cheer grashopper, something wonderful is about to happen...

  9. "Where the hell do you get an economics degree and still think education and health care can be "free"?"

    Why, the Chicago school of course.

