Sunday, October 2, 2011

NYT: All the News that is Fit to Alter

By many accounts, on Saturday, Occupy Wall Street marching protesters were led onto the Brooklyn Bridge by NYPD, giving many protesters the impression that the police had no problem with the march, and, indeed,that the police were only standing by to insure the march was peaceful. However, once on the bridge, the NYPD kettled the protesters and eventually arrested 700.

Notice NYT's change in reporting the story, from one which states that NYPD allowed the protesters on to the bridge (which sounds accurate) to one which gives the impression that the protesters actively took over the bridge despite NYPD attempts to stop them.

FreakOut Nation has screen shots which show how NYT edited the story:



  1. I won't be surprised if there was a mis-communication with some low-level cops thinking it was okay for them to protest on the bridge and granting permission until superiors butted in and arrested them anyways.

    No need to rule out the conspiracy angle but most NYC cops are more clumsy then evil!

  2. No sleight-of-mind to see here; just move along....

  3. It's the age old defense, I was just following orders. You can always apologize afterwards and blame it on the underlings.

  4. I was told by a friend on the scene that they were ushered onto the bridge.

  5. Make note of the name of the second author added to the byline in the edited version and then read this.

  6. yet if we object to higher taxes to pay for these criminals, we're not paying our 'fair share.' the arrogance is unbelievable.

  7. Better to give blame then receive.
    Rush Free Will

  8. @ Anon 3:05

    wow, talk about a revolving door

  9. The pink overwriting caption should read:
    It Only Takes 20 Minutes To Change History

  10. So the NYT has become the Pravda of old... it's not as though we haven't known this for long time. Anyone who didn't recognize it merely had their head in the sand.

  11. @Anonymous, 10/2/2011 3:05 PM:

    I see what you mean. It looks as though Al Baker, the Times "police headquarters bureau chief" is responsible for the re-write.

  12. Anon@305pm-

    That's amazing. What a twat. Power mad sycophants make up 99% of the reporting staff of the NYTimes (and most other major papers) so it's not shocking.

    I hope the protests grow exponentially, but Ron Paul supporters need to get them to focus on the FED, not the supine banks. Tweet the followers @OccupyWallSt and tell them to focus on the FED HQs in NYC and DC and maybe we can shape this into a populist revolt against The Bernank and his insane policies.

    These protests are just going to get bigger, and this incident is just going to incite more anger, so channeling it into a productive attack on Central Counterfeiting...I mean Central Banking might actually produce positive results!

  13. The newspaper of record...LOL!

    Only absolute public school/Ivy League retards buy into the NYT.

  14. Yup, that is what they have editors for ... to get the story right. ;-)

  15. Just watch the video. You can clearly SEE that the police offers are leading them onto the bridge. It is unfortunate they were entrapped. Actually, downright criminal. Watch the video here:
