Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ron Paul on Losing Our Liberties Incrementally

The clib below shows Ron Paul answering questions from Megyn Kelly of FOX News. I suspect Kelly is a slick anti-Paulite. During a recent Republican presidential debate, when she was one of the questioners, at one point where it seemed the questions were being asked in order of poll standings of the candidates, she skipped right over Dr. Paul.

In this interview, she is a little slick about it, but asks Ron Paul questions from a negative perspective, but as you will see, he handles all of them smoothly.


  1. Megyn lost me at the letter Y. The popular trend of spelling traditional names with that cute and quirky letter Y is irritating. I'm sorry. I couldn't get past it to watch the interview.

  2. Look in her eyes. She's clearly somebody who's sold their soul.

  3. I don't think she's all that slick. She has a very confrontational tone. Clearly she feels threatened.

  4. Hope MegYn is making some money - she'll need it in a year or three when the looks fade.

  5. RP could have also said that in the WWII example Megyn cited, there was a military trial so at least some due process was observed. Now the President can label anyone a enemy combatant and assassinate him in violation of the US Constitution. Unfortunately, people are too worried about keeping or losing their jobs to worry about anything else.

  6. I have never been impressed with Kelly, good looking, yes for now at least. But, she's also incredibly stupid and always desperately trying to appear sophisticated. Again, I don't believe she succeeds in anything she tries to accomplish in this interview.

    Just my two cents though.

  7. She's smart enough to know how to get in the door and flexible enough in the casting couch to keep her job. Could she be the next Nancy Grace? Unfortunately, by the time she realizes her folly, she'll be a contestant on DWTS.

  8. Lol, Really? FDR did it? Didn't he also intern one hundred thousand Japanese and wasn't that found constitutional?

  9. @ anon 11:00 AM,

    Her job was to attack Ron Paul and place his positions and by extension him in a bad light. The fact that he can calmly and simultaneously parry and educate is simply amazing. Great teachable moments. Turning lemon into lemonade. It's definitely a skill honed from years and years of like attacks. Unfortunately, for me, I get too emotional when explaining anything to my relatives, but practice makes perfect.

  10. Megyn Kelly is a pleasing eye full and obviously trained as an attack dog for whoever pays the freight. FOX has managed to utilize MK well in the slavish devotion to the statist elite. I've become very irritated with MK's style and rarely turn in to her or FOX and never to most of the other sewer pipes that serve the TeeVee audience.

  11. RP didn't get to elaborate on this point but because of that he left the door open on this-- it's potentially okay for the POTUS to assassinate a US citizen as long as "we're at war" in an officially-declared sense.

    Is everyone cool with that? So long as Congress declares a war, NOW you can subvert due process and declare US citizens to be "enemy combatants" and assassinate them at will?

  12. Megyn Kelly is about as pleasing to the eye as Rachel Maddow. Perhaps they are roommates or soul mates.
