Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Secretive Inner Circle of 'Occupy Wall Street'

John Carney has an excellent long essay detailing the sights and sounds of "Occupy Wall Street."

Carney's description pretty much falls in line with what I have seen at the two "Occupy DC" locations, one at Freedom Plaza and one at MacPherson Square. There are general assemblies, other meetings, planning and respect for one another.

But, the NYC "Occupy Wall Street" also has a secretive inner circle. Carney describes it this way:
Just a bit west of the library there is what appears to be the inner circle of Occupy Wall Street. Several people, many working on laptops powered by a portable generator, sit in an area closed off by tables.

Most people—including protesters—are kept out by beefy people whose blue arm bands mark them as members of the security group. Exactly what this secretive group is doing is not clear.

“They’re media relations, and outreach and planning,” one person said.

So why are outsiders being kept from the area? No one would answer.

And so, ironically, there’s a no trespassing policy enforced at Occupy Wall Street.
Obviously, a secretive inner circle is not good. The protesters outside the inner circle need to be asking this secretive inner core who they are communicating with and why.


  1. They are acting like the people they are complaining about.

  2. I saw this too, in philly, and wrote about it on my blog as well. They have assimilated with the populace since then.

  3. When a group begins to gain political power the elites always take control. Why would anyone be surprised by this or think this group will not develop into what society does naturally where there will be those that are more equal then others. LOL

    Ever since this protest has begun, I have read one article after another in the MSM that tries to attribute some kind of meaning to the protest in order to make it appear more enlightened then it really is. In the end I beleive that this group's theme will boil down to nothing more then rent seeking. No different then the bankers, big corps and unions. Its not about justice and fairness, but instead political power motivated by bigotry and ignorance.

  4. Haha some protesters are more equal than others.

  5. Somebody should start a harassment brigade. Come on! If you could go back in time and lob eggs at some of the earliest communist power grabbers during the russian revolution, wouldn't you? I guarantee you there will never be a better time,

  6. We need a movement to Occupy Occupy Wall Street

  7. Yuri Bezmenov, the Russian defector who worked for Novosti Press, described this phenomenon very well in his middle 1980's interview with G. Edward Griffin. After a country has been completely demoralized for 15-20 years (the time it takes to brainwash 1 generation of students), then the destabilization process begins and all the sleepers, wacko intellectuals and backward socialists begin to mobilize. Of course, the Soviet Union is only indirectly responsible, I would say, at this point. Bezmenov pointed out that Americans have been brainwashing other Americans for a very long time. No outside power really corrupted us. It was our elite people in conjunction with the immoral and naive population who went along with it, accepting every stupid promise that was thrown to them by politicians stealing other people's money and freedom. Now the country has long been openly run by unelected people who possess the political power by buying off the government and "secretly" writing enormous bills to protect their strong monopolies. That is what brain dead Americans can never understand because it is contrary to what they were told their whole lives, starting with school. They don't understand that the government underwrites and enforces virtual monopolies because it has the legal power backed up by the guns and prisons. Break the power of the federal government (state government would be next!) so that monopolies of education, medicine, commerce, nearly everything can be broken and free individuals and corporations can compete, making the standard of living going up; especially because people will choose their own money and production will not be impeded.

  8. Are any pictures or names of these people posted anywhere?

  9. I'd bet the funded org's of Geo. Soros, Steven Lerner, Van Jones & the unions are the inner circle.

  10. Never trust anyone with an arm band of any color. Nothing good comes from group think arm bands.

  11. Grow up. These people are taking on The System (which most of you support). They are not going to give away their plans to the powers-that-be. If you make your income honestly, yoi have nothing to fear. If you make it by speculation then your days may well be numbered.

  12. If you only post opinions that you agree with then you are well-qualified to support The System.

  13. Never trust anyone with group think arm bands. Nothing good comes from that.

  14. The comment beginning with "Yuri Bezmenov..." is pretty much spot on with the subject. Very thought provoking. Thank you.

  15. GBTV has been predicting as well as tracking the SEIU and other Soros NGO's who are behind the scenes. Stephen Lerner (former SEIU organizer) and Francis Fox Piven seek to create an American version of Tahrir Square. An American Autumn in contrast to the Arab Spring! Van Jones, Obama's former Green Jobs Czar and now esconced at Princeton, has called for a "top down, bottom up and inside out revolution". He has told Obama's left base, that in order for this president to do what he'd like to do, people need to take to the streets.

    What we are witnessing is the entry stage of a civil war. While the protestors are expressing a wide range of complaints, some of which are legitimate, they are being mobilized in order to be unwittingly used as cannon fodder for an Alinsky style destruction of our republic and capitalism, to be followed by chaos and then a dictatorship of Marxists and another dystopia!

    Your purple shirt 'security' are most likely SEIU thugs. Your laptop leaders are taking orders from Stephen Lerner or someone whose vision and values are anti-American/seditious!

  16. Van Jones beware ...we know who they are

  17. Elliott,

    That's the scariest, and most insightful, comment on this I've read. Although I support, in part, the #OWS objective- make the financial rapists on Wall St and at the FED stop playing games with our future- I have been wary of their tactics and the ulterior motives of the organizers. It's far too "French Revolution" for me (although guillotines for some might be justified) and I fear nothing good will come from it.

    I sincerely hope you're wrong, but fear you're right. There is much pent-up rage amongst the populace- this "Greater Depression" has destroyed the savings and future of many, and made the future prospects for the young seem dim, and I fear that a single windblown ember might ignite the whole thing into an epic conflagration.

    Without an economically and morally sound foundation for rebirth (thankfully laid out by Mises, Rothbard, and their followers) it could end freedom as we know it for years. The elites play games with us, and seek to corral us into a "directed history" that leaves them in power while the 99.9% live in penury.

    Fuck, now I'm bummed.

  18. This is a surprise? I'll tell you who "They" are. "They" are the very ones who have worked behind the scenes since day one to "MANUFACTURE" the whole "Occupy Wall Street" protest. "They" are the "Wag The Dog" professionals who've been hired to accomplish the desired result namely, to bring Middle East style unrest to America. What "They" hope to get going is a big enough excuse to "suspend" life as we know it in this country. (Read as; The 2012 Presidential Elections.) You don't have to worry about losing a race that doesn't take place.


  20. Shaking my head in disbelief.

    After reading the comments to an article that was intended to lead you (notice huge hole in article where logical argument or facts go) to something that IS NOT the case, everyone here fell for it hook, line, sinker, rod, and the boat it came in on, except for two posts. We are truly doomed when we believe that the great overload powers that be, must resort to hiding next to a Nissan SUV in plane site with a tarp that was purchased from K-mart 4 blocks away to work outdoors in sun and manage what is an event that certainly needs some management.

    Please tell me there are more active brain cells reading this stuff. These three guys were HELPING!!!!!!!

    WE are so easily led by Internet and we are so screwed in this country. :-(

    Now, please move on to the next article titled.
    "Jew found among protesters"

  21. "This is a surprise? ..." I have been saying that since 2009, although I didn't know what form it would take. Its becoming clearer...and damn scary. If we let it happen, it will be the end of America and the Constitution as we know it.

  22. amazing how many of you especially "anonymous" think the problems in this country are fabricated or manipulated.if you haven't seen this coming and don't see the reality of the issues potential to cause unrest- then you need to wake up

  23. I'll bet that anon@416am thinks the "Arab Spring" revolts were spontaneous and not controlled or aided by western powers via the CIA.

  24. think it through & then motivate an independent (read unbiased if there are any left) investigative reporter to follow the money trail if you want to find the real motive. my money is on soros too.

  25. Elliot, you are a loon and Richard, you probably believe in the "Illuminati" and the idea that there is a worldwide conspiracy to create one world currency.

    I know these groups, they are just the people whom took it upon themselves to actually "market" these events and attempt to generate interest in these protests via social media, like they should...

    No conspiracy theories folks, just good people, pissed at the bad people. Plain and simple, you can't just keeping taking shit...the OWS people are just getting a chance to give it for once.

  26. David Graeber is sometimes listed as the intellectual godfather of the OWS movement. (See here - )

    Here is his description of revolution and true democracy...

    "For an anarchist, in fact, to try to create non-alienated experiences, true democracy, is an ethical imperative; only by making one's form of organization in the present at least a rough approximation of how a free society would actually operate, how everyone, someday, should be able to live, ..."

    (From -

    Ouch! So the OWS central organising committee might be the role model for some similar agency once the left anarchist dream has come true.

    Maybe it's not that bad. My guess is that any kind of meaningful protest needs its organisers. Pretty well every human activity is noted by it's hierarchies. The great early 20th century political scientist Robert Michels formulated his "iron law of oligarchy" whilst studying the internal structure of Europe's socialist parties.

    The inegalitarian pattern he found in one 'egalitarian' organisation after the other was enough to persuade Michels to forget about his former anarcho-syndicalism beliefs and join up with (another ex-anarchist) Mussolini!

    (See here -

  27. second guy in this interview.

    he is donations and resources working group in philly. says he would take money from soros.

  28. They're anonymous. Chill out.

  29. google: Otpor

  30. quote from Anonymous: "If you make your income honestly, yoi have nothing to fear. If you make it by speculation then your days may well be numbered."

    Beautiful, an attack on speculators. I wonder if he is aware of how Stalin REMOVED speculators from the USSR in the 30's and made it a crime until the end of the Soviet Union. This kind of thinking will move the US backward a century and in the middle of Socialism. Look up "Soviet Codes of Law" under speculation.

  31. The best counter-protest is one which appears to be supportive. Create a sign with two lines such as these: (or something similar)

    The Federal Reserve is Wall Street's Bank
    End the Fed

    What can OWS say? They love Wall Street's Bank? Don't end it?

  32. Sorry but the world its not going to change with movements like this, see the results in Egipt, New boss as bad than the old boss.
    Better is to have gold, with that u put urself out if the financial system...

  33. Have you noticed that HB 1388 yo bri1388 has passed? It is BHO"s bill to spend $20Mng 1000s of Palestinians, including Hamas supporters to US w/ free housing, food & medical provided. He is importing the civilian army that he told us about before he was elected. May God have merch on America.

  34. the dopes that are populating the occupancies are scary in their simpleton-ness. they are being led about like the unthinking sheep they are by those who know how to propagandize and soothe. unfortunately there are some real skilled operators who make this "movement" seem like far more than it is. there are really very few folks involved at the core level...and many of them will lose interest when they step back and see how they are being brainwashed and manipulated by the unions and big government types.

    mike in san diego, occupying my own home in the name of me and mine!

  35. An occupy protest set up and has been camping out in downtown Auckland (New Zealand) for few weeks now - equally organised with generators etc. Its not particulalry huge (maybe 50 people) - but what interests me is how ordinarily no citizen would be permitted to set up a tent for a night in the public square let alone for 3 weeks, set up generators, and fences etc etc - so somewhere these people must have consent of authority at some quite high level to permit this "event" continuing; the police are obviously very capable of destroying the camp in 5 minutes should they be ordered but it is oviously being played out by some other strategy - perhaps authorities are observing the particpants and seeing where it is leading???
