Sunday, November 6, 2011

An Awesome Ron Paul Interview

When given the chance to explain his positions, Ron Paul is excellent in getting across his freedom message. Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday gave Dr. Paul the opportunity to do just that. The result was Rep. Paul getting his message out across a wide spectrum of topics.




  1. But most of the budget deficit is printed money. That money isn't being taken from the private sector. Without first removing all the draconian regulations on the private economy, cutting the federal budget wont have the same effect now as it did after ww2. The analogy is apples and oranges. After ww2 we still made everything we consumed. Now all that's gone. There definitely will be a massive recession if he cuts the budget that much. Recovery will only end after total deregulation and ending the fed.

  2. Too many sheep in this country to elect Ron Paul. Rand Paul and Tom Woods need to make a run in 2016.

  3. Michael, by printing money the Fed in essence allows the first gatherers to obtain resources that would be used in the private sector absent the printing. As to the rest of your statement I am sorry but don't understand it. We made everything we consumed? I assume you mean our manufacturing base is gone, allowing private sector to use the resources would help rebuilt it. It is a keynesian fallacy that we would undergo a recession. I also recommend Robert Higgs on the importance of regime uncertainty.

  4. If you follow,the MSM tweet-bits around RP are more than often predictably packed with this "Gotcha" attitude segments,the badly masked sting attempt of scripted land mine questions, gasping in vain to somehow nail this quirky Ron Paul character.To out him, pin him down and ship him to the dark corners of the never- land.That of course can never work,simply because the Ronpaulianism now days is growing by the minute, and no clown in the world, however devious can stop it.

  5. Paul did great! I love how he smacked down Wallace after the "even the AEI says..." nonsense. Isn't the AEI very pro Lincoln?

  6. Thanks Bob (do you prefer Bob or Robert?) for posting this.

    Ron Paul was simply fantastic here.

  7. I like that RP wants to start cutting from the top.
