Friday, November 4, 2011

Senate Confirms White House Economist Who Thinks a Value-Added-Tax Will Help the Economy

Boy that US Senate sure fights the good fight against insanity. The Senate just confirmed Alan Krueger as chairman of President Barack Obama‘s Council of Economic Advisors. Among other amazing views, Krueger holds the belief that raising the minimum wage will cause employment to increase. He also believes a value-added-tax will help the US economy. In his last stint at the White House, he worked on the cash for clunkers program. I am willing to acknowledge that he is an expert on clunkers.


  1. My God. These guys just have no clue at all. Or they simply don't care.

    We need to starve the beast. That's the only way were going to have any real change in this country unless we can somehow get Dr. Paul elected.

  2. Methinks the Beast will starve itself. A parasite that kills the host (that would be us). But a hungry Beast is a dangerous Beast. Best to get outa Dodge.

  3. Chicago Tribune, 1934:

  4. If they really want to raise money they should start taxing politicians and judges for voting for unconstitutional laws and making unconstitutional decisions. With the amount of that type of stuff that goes on, the national debt would paid off in 6 weeks.

  5. THey are determined to steal 70% of all productive output from their tax slaves - like in the Europe Borg Collective...50% income tax, 20% VAT, 300% gasoline tax.
