Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Drudge: Ron Paul Goes for Gingrich Throat

Ron Paul is telling it like it is, and people are noticing. Here'e the current top headline on the Drudge Report: IOWA BLITZ: RON PAUL GOES FOR NEWT THROAT.

The Drudge link takes visitors to the below new Ron Paul ad.


  1. Drudge isn't afraid to put Ron front & center.

    Kudos to him.

  2. Some of the comments over on Daily Paul seem to suggest that Rush went nuts over this today without mentioning Ron Paul. Rush is full neocon-establishment defense mode defending Newt.

  3. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney baldwin ventura sheehan perot carterDecember 6, 2011 at 2:38 PM

    Ron Paul Army bags a salamander

  4. Drudge has always liked RP.

  5. RP is my hero! Way to go after that jackass, Newt! Thanks for helping expose him for what he is, Dr Paul!

  6. The establishment may have made a grave error. They started this election cycle very early, probably to find what candidate would 'click' with the Republican voters. All theyve done is parade a bunch of corrupt and/or moronic candidates in front of the public - - and give more time for Ron Paul's genuine and intelligent message to get out there. As it gets close to the election, they'll probably fabricate outrageous character attacks like they tried with Rand Paul, which failed of course. We need to get the expectation of that out there so people new to all this won't be fooled by the con. Of course, non of their attacks will carry much weight. Dr. Paul is a kind, intelligent and caring older gentleman who loves this country and that comes through to people, even if they may disagree with him on some issues. The establishment DemoRepublicrats are very scared of Ron Paul, but especially of the awakening of the American people that would be evident by his election. People get the government they deserve. In 2012 we'll find out if there were enough Americans out there who deserve Liberty, to turn our country around.

  7. If I lived in the US, I would vote for Ron Paul in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, the establishment will stop at nothing to keep him from getting the nomination. There were already reports of vote fraud in the 2008 nominations associated with electronic voting machines. The US needs Ron Paul to survive (as anything worth surviving) but the powers that be have no morals.

  8. Ron Paul is the only republican running in the Republican primary.

    The rest are neocons and closet progressives. If Americans do not choose Ron Paul over Newt, then they deserve what the Senate has tried to do with basically repealing Bill of Rights.

  9. That message is so dead on target. Paul is the real deal that is why the establishment media, the big banks, the labor union bosses, the vast majority of the congress and neo-cons like Trump are desperate to stop him. Who's side do you want to be on Ron Pauls or the big banks?

  10. This type of ad, exposing Gingrich for the narcissistic hypocritical jackass that he is, will knock him from the GOP lead very soon. He does not have a chance of creeping into the nomination with Ron Paul around. Good job, RP!!

  11. The nation has had enough damage done by so-called centrists that are happy with damaging only part of the country to get their way. We have seen what happens when banks are saved at the expense of the citizens. And this was all caused by someone deciding that we need a way to put everyone in a home that they own. Now, we have people that are economically trapped in their homes who can't afford to move to where the jobs are. And Gingrich was a part of the weapons of mass destruction imposed upon the American people. And he wasn't the only one....

  12. Ron Paul has the guts - and the record - to bring Freedom to the forefront. May WE THE PEOPLE have enough guts and intelligence to elect him, and destroy the corruption and fraud that would keep him out of office.
