Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who Hates Ron Paul the Most and Why?

Here's Glenn Greenwald's view:
Ron Paul is hated most by neocons and the extremists who have controlled the GOP for the last decade: because he threatens their dogma.


  1. Neocons have been steering the GOP for more than just the last decade.

  2. For now, at least, it's the neocons. The progressives haven't needed to expend much energy or voice much opposition because he hasn't been a threat to them yet.

    If he were to break through and get this nomination, they'd be on him a thousand times worse than any neocon ever has been, because he represents views that they are so diametrically opposed to. The neocons, as bad as they are, at least pay lip service to small government. The progressives don't even pretend to want to reduce government though.

    Who would you get more of a fight from if you told them you wanted to abolish five cabinet departments and the EPA?

  3. Exactly, correct. Hate's a strong term, but they do passionately dislike his policies, due to their diametric opposition to their own.

  4. Excellent point, Chad N. If, and let's hope it's a when, Paul wins the nomination, the regressives will do all they can to destroy Ron Paul. They're good at that sort of thing.


    Check out this video of O Reilly doing a complete 180 on Iran just to be able to attack RP. This was posted on the lew rockwell blog earlier.

  6. Let's not forget neocons are simply former democrats who left the party because it was already full of big government war mongers and they wanted greener pastures where they wouldn't have the competition.

  7. Of course its the "if we're not screwing someone, someone will screw us" neocons. But I say let them squawk louder. It draws attention to Ron's ideas and him as a person. By the way, I went on a trip last weekend to a different part of the state I live in and saw lots of people standing in the rain holding signs for Ron along the road and in addition I saw lots of bumper stickers and other signs.

  8. It does seem that the people most opposed are either illogical (which is typically not hard to address) or dogmatic (which is typically impossible to address). Just yesterday I ended up in a conversation on a RedState article, and here's the answer I got to an analogy-based question about Iran and the "folly" of not "doing something" about their potential nuke development:

    "If an Islamist is standing on the other side of the room with a menacing look on his face he is eventually going to slit your throat or shoot you. It is just a matter of time.

    If the Islamist says he is going to kill you, but continues standing it just means he hasn't decided yet if he is going to slit your throat or shoot you.

    If the Islamist says he is going to kill you, and has a gun on his belt, but yet continue standing there doing nothing it means he has figured out that you are not armed or afraid to shoot him, and is just waiting for you to bring a few more infidels to the slaughter.

    If he actually goes for his gun it is too damn late - you should have shot him when you had the chance."

    You just can't counter that kind of viewpoint. People like that won't ever come around to Ron Paul's viewpoint by logical arguments. The person who made that comment was obviously well-researched, intelligent, and otherwise thoughtful and considerate. To people like that, Ron Paul often seems worse than Obama.

  9. My father is a pro-union socialist democrat(is that too redundant?) and he thinks the hate between Ron Paul and the neocons is very amusing. I think he will be a good barometer if Ron Paul wins the nomination. Right now he likes Ron Paul, but I can't wait to see the change in him if he starts to threaten Obama's imperial throne.

  10. Obama supporters, because Ron Paul challenges the very core of their belief structure and "morality" (i.e. imposition of their beliefs upon others at gunpoint) with regard to their Dear Leader, Barack Obomba.

  11. @Rob, Hate is the right term because that's what Neocons are...Haters.
