Thursday, January 12, 2012

NYC Mayor Buckles to the Drinking People

A day after a proposal was floated to shut down many alcohol serving establishments in the city that never sleeps, the Mayor, who would like to see everyone in bed and sleeping by 11:00 PM, has buckled.

NyPo reports:

Mayor Bloomberg today scuttled a controversial administration proposal to slash the number of establishments serving alcohol -- in a bid to curb excessive and underage drinking.

The Post exclusively reported on the wacky plan, which drew howls of outrage from responsible drinkers and operators of liquor venues across the city.

Asked if the mayor backed the effort to limit booze-selling businesses, Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser said, “No.”
“One reason the mayor has been successful in office is because we think there are no bad ideas in brainstorming _ and then we weigh them against other concerns. We’re deeply committed to encouraging entrepreneurs to start and expand small businesses in the city,” the mayoral spokesman said.
But don't celebrate just, yet. I don't trust Michael Mussolini Bloomberg at all. He'll be back trying to curb fun some other way.


  1. In unrelated news, the Alcoholic Beverage Association of New York announced it will be donating $10m to the Bloomberg re-election campaign.

  2. I think Stu meant to say, "We’re deeply committed to burdening small businesses with onerous regulations, taxes and fees."

  3. What would we do without these brilliant people "brainstorming" ways of forcing people to do things.

    One must wonder what metrics they use when they "weigh" their options. Surely profit & loss are nowhere to be found.

    Perhaps its a simple question:

    Can we get away with this? Or Not?

  4. His spokesman's last name is Loeser. That's fitting because he certainly sounds like a looser. They don't think anything is a bad idea in brainstorming? Then how about this: Have a "Punch Bloomberg in the Belly Day" where anyone in the city who wishes to hit Bloomberg has the chance to line up and punch him in the belly. Put that idea in your next brainstorming session, Looser.

  5. I am absolutely convinced that the Soviet Union died the moment old splotch-top Gorby tried to outlaw Vodka. That was the last straw with the slaves in that slavecamp. Bloomberg is right to allow his tax cattle to drink even though it harms tax productivity.
