Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rand Paul Returns $500,000 to the U.S. Treasury

Senator Rand Paul announced last week that he is returning $500,000 to the United States Treasury – money unspent from his official operating budget. The total amount being returned is more than 16 percent of Rand’s original office budget. As far as is known, no U.S. Senator has returned as much to taxpayers.

“I ran to stop the reckless spending,” said Paul. “And I ran to end the damaging process of elected officials acting as errand boys, competing to see who could bring back the biggest check and the most amount of pork.”


  1. Wow... it's delightful to see someone doing the right thing for once. Shocking, really.

  2. Here's to a new tomorrow.

  3. That apple didn't fall far from the tree...

  4. Bravo!

    As an RP (both of them) supporter who is unfamiliar with the political process, I am curious to where & why was the other 84% spent on?

  5. Sorry if this is a silly question, but is returning $500,000 to the U.S. Treasury equal to returning $500,000 to the (sum of) tax payers?

  6. Was this before or after Rand voted IN FAVOR of imposing economic sanctions on Iran, which Rand's father considers to be an act of war?

    Seems like the apple caught a worm on the way down.

  7. yeah, I second that. What the hell could possibly be going on with FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS PLUS ANOTHER 84%?!?!?! Fly back and forth to DC a few times, maybe buy some food, office supplies. What the hell kinda money have these guys alloted themselves?

  8. The only thing I disagree with, is he gave it back to the crooks. I would've sent a check to every resident in KY. Better a cent in the peoples pocket than 500K in the crooked govts.
    Mike Richardson

  9. Shame Rand Paul voted to place sanctions on Iran.
    Obviously he has not studied history and learned what the toll of sanctions on Iran were.
    He can copy his father by returning money but he sure is no Ron Paul... at best he Isa Cato/Koch libertarian, at worst perhaps a budding DC insider.

  10. Where is Walter Block? Isn't this a libertarian outrage? Money is always better off in the hands of the private sector. The fact that Rand didn't spend it and instead gave it back to the govt is a travesty of justice!

  11. Rand Paul is not Ron Paul. If Rand were Ron, everybody would just say he's copying his father on everything. Ron and Rand Paul are both working as constitutionalists, not libertarians. Put your Austrianism away for a little while and let them play politics so that actual change can be accomplished. Also realize that neither of them are perfect, and that sometimes they will make mistakes or make decisions based on politics.

    Rand Paul is playing politics and is trying to set an example. Let him do his thing.
