Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Really Clueless DCite

DavidCornDC (really that's his username) tweets:
I think it's great that Rock the Vote gives a platform in IA to Ron Paul to appeal to students w/o mentioning he'd cut all education funding.
Doesn't this MSNBC "analyst" realize that this is exactly why the kids are cheering, so that they are freed from required education by the Empire!


  1. Hey Bob

    Common misunderstanding.

    Cutting FEDERAL education programs is not the same as cutting ALL education funding.
    Your state, private charitable or business foundations would still be providing funding, I assume.

    Kids must be smarter than I thought and media must be even dumber than I suspected.

  2. Cutting Federal education funding also decreases educational costs too. What Ron's proposing saves these kids A LOT of money over time.

  3. report to battle stations!!!...drudge reprot poll ROn Paul!!! GO There

  4. I always love when lummoxes such as Mr. Corn cannot differentiate between school and education. I bet that he also doesn't understand the difference between defense and military spending.

  5. OK once again. The great Department of Education, of which this analyst is so unjustifiably proud, is the same failed institution that according to CBS News, of 30 comparable countries the United States, ranks near the bottom. Take math - Finland is first, followed by South Korea, and the United States is number 25. Same story in science: Finland, number one again. The United States? Number 21.

    The single best thing we could do for our children is get the government out of education and return it to parents and teachers where is belongs.

    I am loath to point out that the word analyst starts with "anal" - just sayin...

  6. They are also cheering because they know that Ron Paul will undo the forced federal government monopoly on student loans that enslave the students. They want competition and choice in student loans, not government enslavement.

  7. so you libertarians and the NAZIs are in full agreement then? nice.

    "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction." - Adolf Hitler

  8. When I was a kid, I was quite aware of being just another brick in the wall for a system that served interest that had nothing to do with my well being. Can't imagine that has changed any.

    Progressives are weird. They are the ones when young wanted to be on the student council and control the limited activities that involved choice.

  9. It is just as stupid as when establishment clowns act surprised that the active military donates to RP more than everyone else combined. Do you think they are really unaware of RP's foreign policy in that case?


  10. "so you libertarians and the NAZIs are in full agreement then? nice.

    "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction." - Adolf Hitler"

    LOL! That's a fake quote. Even if it were real it seems to state that Universal Education is the enemy of liberalism. Since Hitler was no liberal, I suspect that this quote (if true) is meant to be high praise of Universal Ed.

  11. Or from another view point, these kids are mature/honest/principled enough not to sell their souls for a few thousand dollars and actually want to do the right thing, unlike DC denizens.
    Might make Mr. DC feel a little uncomfortable.

  12. Most education funding comes locally, not from the feds. Corn sometimes says the dumbest things. Forgive him, he can't help himself, he's a far leftwing Motherjones nut.
