Thursday, January 12, 2012

WARNING GRAPHIC: Marines Pee on Taliban Corpses

The Empire is out of control. Put men in stressful killing situations, where life means nothing, and this is the kind of men you create. Wait until they are redeployed to control us.

NyPo reports:

A shocking Internet video that appears to show four Marines urinating on the bloody corpses of three slain Taliban fighters sparked a Pentagon investigation yesterday.

The 39-second YouTube clip, which US military brass fears could trigger an angry backlash throughout the Muslim world, shows the Marines grinning and joking as they relieve themselves on the bodies.


  1. At least they were dead. I'm sorry but I have trouble ginning up sympathy for 7th century totalitarian barbarians. And yes, I know your point is that this will only create more hatred for us in that part of the world. Reason 9,376 to get us out of the middle east and get these marines back home.

  2. Less shocking are the comments on the article. Americans are completely brainwashed into a war-footing and couldn't care less what people like Michael Scheuer and Chalmers Johnson have to say about what motivates "Islamic terrorists".

    Peace is the furthest thing from the American mindset today and dictatorship will be warmly accepted as long as it is considered necessary to score a win for "our team". With such a sacrifice of liberty, it would be difficult even to consider it a pyrrhic victory, but that's too deep a concept for Joe Sixpack.

    1. Joe six pack says kill em all piss on them. They're fucking savages.

    2. I second Joe.

      -- DaMav

  3. Sad. They have lost their way and their humanity. Nothing heroic about this act, but also understand it's the fat, cowardly, criminal elite that send our young men and women to do this. Every one of them should be stripped of their wealth and privilege, issued a rifle, and be sent directly to the front lines.

    Pray for these young men...

  4. Hahahaha... the whole "invading and occupying a foreign country" thing is yesterday's news and no cause for alarm, but... WAIT WHAT THE? THEY'RE PEEING ON THE CORPSES?! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! WE CAN NOT TOLERATE OUR GOOD, HEROIC SOLDIERS PEEING ON THE FOREIGN DEFENDERS THEY HAVE SLAUGHTERED.

  5. Blowback?? WTF??? Hell,they hate us for our FREEDOMS!!!

  6. How do we bring these terminally damaged men home and re-integrate them back into their families and society?

    They will be like police dogs that have been conditioned to kill and can not be untrained, or ever trusted again. At any moment they could respond by reverting to what they have been taught and attack. Not to mention the remorse and guilt that sets in once they have been removed from combat and begin to think about what they have seen and done. Think of the countless walking wounded living on the streets and battling alcohol and drug abuse, that never did recover from their experiences in Vietnam - I still carry the burden of the lives I took all those years ago. This is exactly why our troops are taking their own lives in record numbers.

    How many more of our children and grandchildren will suffer this fate - trying to do the right thing for the wrong reason? Abandoning their conscience and losing their souls. Sent on a fools errand through no fault of their own - cannon fodder for the PTP - for money...

    Our leaders are truly morally bankrupt and clearly insane. We must make this STOP!

  7. The Marines seem to be pathetically under endowed. Strange that they would wish anyone to know that.

    1. Strange that that seems to be all your interested in eh?

  8. What else is new with the occupiers. A new low for the elite trained robots. Well this is where some of them end up..."

    Air Force dumped ashes of more troops’ remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged
    By Craig Whitlock and Mary Pat Flaherty, Published: December 7

    The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, far more than the military had acknowledged, before halting the secretive practice three years ago, records show...."

    A fitting end? Their country treats them like garbage, what do you expect from the lo life's.

  9. Coming soon (soon as their enlistments are up) to a patrol car/SWAT team near you...

  10. NBC's Gen. Barry Mccaffrey actually said on todays news 'show' 1/12/2012 if a close watch isn't kept on these guys then they turn into animals. Whose fault is that, Barry?

  11. Typical political big deal out of nothing. Obama and Hillary (the smartest woman on Earth) Clinton are once again showing that they are TRAITORS to this nation, and to the men they sent to this worthless hellhole to kill the enemy. If they had real life experience under fire,..........Oh! I remember. Hillary and her daughter were under fire in Bosnia, and had to run for their lives......Oh, wait....... That was just a made up, "miss speak"....not an outright lie, they might not be making such a big deal out of NOTHING. It is time for the military of this nation to shrug off the worthless political leadership that imposes silly standards of conduct on our Warriors, and stand behind LEADERS who understand how the stress of War controls the minds of those having to perform tasks that the elite excuse themselves from doing. Wake Up, America! You have chosen leaders who are not capable of following an order, and thus are not capable of leading. Obama and Hillary Clinton need to be IMPEACHED NOW!, and sent to live in the Socialist country of their choice. They do not deserve to be Americans. They are TRAITORS.

    Lord Howard Hurts


  13. i would just like to say that my son was in the marines and if that was him i would have given him a pat on the back and said great job.. it funny that our marines can get in trouble for pissing on a dead body but when other countries behaved our servicemen and women and drag there bodies through the streets its OK.. how can that be OK. and what these honorable and well train men did be wrong i praise them for it and would have like to see one SHIT in there mouth that would have been a great story....TALIBAN FINALLY GET WHAT THEY DESERVE...

  14. its ok that the occupyers were shitting on the streets of the cities they were protesting in?

  15. Wouldn't that be something if a bunch of Afghans do it to a "live" marine. Just for humiliation. Put it on the net. Maybe take a poll thruot the US and maybe thruout the world. See who thinks it's funny.

  16. I am sure there is a little more to this story. These men have seen there brothers get killed right beside them day in and out. Probably felt good to piss on them probably some great therapy. They probably saved many lives also. I want to say thankyou scout snipers for what you do.

  17. WTF, where is the "Shocking" part? All I see is 4 fire pissing young Marines urinating on some dead Taliban. Nothing compared to what we did in the "old corp", just ask the Japs who were on Iwo Jima. Oh yeah, you can't, we killed them all.

  18. And the soldier who endorsed Ron Paul disgraced the uniform?

  19. i would have shat on em also
