Monday, February 13, 2012

Israel Accuses Iran in Attack Targeting Diplomats in India, Georgia

The wife of an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi and her driver were injured today when the car they were traveling in was bombed, officials said. A second attempted bombing was defused outside the Israeli embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia, at about the same time

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately blamed Iran.

It is difficult to understand why Iran would want to increase tensions with Israel. Were these false flag attacks?

Netanyahu called Iran “the greatest exporter of terror in the world.”

“In all these cases,” Netanyahu said, “the elements behind the attacks were Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah.”

New Delhi police commissioner Brajesh Kumar Gupta said the wife of the diplomat “was going to pick up her children at the American embassy school” when a person on a motorcycle approached her vehicle and affixed a magnetic bomb to its rear side.

“A mild explosion soon took place and the car caught fire,” Gupta told reporters at a news conference.

Israeli officials identified the injured woman as the wife of Israel’s defense attache. Gupta said she was conscious, and had been hospitalized in stable condition. Her driver, as well as two people in a nearby car, sustained minor injuries, Gupta said.



  1. Pretty hypocritical of the Israelis, since it's pretty obvious the Mossad has been involved in the assassination of Iranian scientists.

    1. Of course you just repeat the "obvious", what actually the whole world want to hear...
      But you have never investigated the issue, you just picked up the conventional and well received explanation.
      You probably never heard of Turkey minister, declared that they were not going to tolerate a nuclear Iran:

      Ambassador: Turkey 'cannot tolerate' Iran getting nukes
      By Jeremy Herb - 12/08/11 03:31 PM ET

      Turkey is committed to keeping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and has stopped other countries from taking materials in to help Iran’s nuclear program, Turkey’s ambassador to the United States said Thursday.

      Speaking at an event sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, Turkish Ambassador Namik Tan said, “We cannot tolerate Iran having a nuclear weapon.

      “Even if one day you say we accept Iran, you understand Iran having nuclear weapons, we will be against it,” Tan said. “It’s as simple as that.”

      The link:

      Saudis are absolutely not happy due to the same concerns.

      You do not have a tiny doubt, that the killing of a scientist does not change anything - it just performs the easy task to blame Israel...

    2. How can you criticize Israel's actions which have been purely defensive in nature. Israel is trying to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear device that their leadership has promised to use to eradicate Israel. Millions of middle eastern citizens in many neighboring countries would be affected by the fallout from such an action. Israel's preventative measures to date have been surgical, with minimal loss of life and postponed what will undoubtedly be a disaster for the entire middle east.

    3. Let's see
      a maniac such as Ahmadinejad wants to start a world war,
      kill all infidels in the name of his false messiah
      threatens on public record of sharing nuclear weapons with terrorists
      states he wants to drive Israel into the sea
      openly murders his very own people, who cry for freedom

      You don't mess around, you remove the threat.

    4. Where do you get this rubbish? Iran has no nuclear weapons.
      Israel is the biggest threat to peace in the middle east. Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons and has on several occassions attacked neighbouring countries. It is no wonder that Iran and other nearby countries feel threatened. However to suggest that Iran will attack Israel is absolute claptrap. Israel has the capability to wipe Iran off the face of the earth and the Iranians know that. Israel and the US are just looking for an excuse to attack Iran. Why? because they may be building nuclear capability?? This is just another weapons of mass destruction fairy tale. The real reason is Iranian oil just as it was Iraqi oil 10 years ago.

  2. Anyone else thinking WWIII?

  3. No one died when the bombers could have killed them. That was probably the message.

    1. Or why it appears it might be a "false flag" operation.

    2. Yes, indeed, Al-girta. The Iranian scientists are DEAD but the Israelis remain alive. Pretty obvioulsly a false-flag operation by Israel.

  4. Was it Moe, Larry or Curly that put the bomb on the car?

    Any government assassin worth their salt would likely have been much more effective. My money says it was Shemp.

  5. I would not be at all surprised to find out that this is a Mossad job a la the Lavon Affair.


  7. Were the Mossad agents using British passports again?

  8. False flag. Zionists lie about everything. We get WW III, like it or not.

    1. The ignorance of anti semites that try to blame everything on Zionists is pathetic. Especially when they are oblivious to the intentions of fanatics like those in power in Iran.

  9. Now 'bout just letting Israel and Iran duke it out!

  10. "Netanyahu called Iran “the greatest exporter of terror in the world.”

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Perhaps the Israeli's have information that the Iranian's are trying to move in on Israels organ-trafficking operation.

    Seriously, there is no ugly, nasty business on the face of the planet that the Israeli's don't have their blood-soaked hands in. Assassination, murder, torture, child-sex slavery - you name it - the Israeli's are right at the center of it.

  11. Flase flag, 100%. BTW- Isn't Hezbollah a Mossad production? Look it up.

  12. Netanyahu called Iran “the greatest exporter of terror in the world.”
    I call Israhell the most murderous nation in the world. Whenever the Zionist are blaming somebody else then you can be absolutely sure that they are just talking about their own crimes, terror and murder. Thats it.

  13. bombing for peace is like f#cking for virginity, pff

  14. India has been one of the few countries that is not anti-Iran (or anti-Israel for that matter). In fact India has been sourcing Iranian oil despite US and European sanctions (there are no UN sanctions on Iran yet so India is free to choose what's best for its economy). So it makes little sense for Iran to go out of its way to attack an Israeli diplomat in India. It seems that by mounting this false-flag attack in India, the Israelis are desperately trying to convince India to ditch Iran.

    1. Yep. While the whole of Europe simply rolled over and said "Yessir!" to the US pressure on them to stop buying Iranian oil, at least India has the b*lls to tell the US to go stuff it and it will continue to buy oil from Iran with rupees or gold if necessary.

      Exactly where were the US and its vassal states when Israel built its reputed 100+ bombs. Why would a small country need so many?

      The Indian Intelligence services (much under-rated) is not at all impressed with the Israeli's instant response of "Iran". They have just said that the explosives seem to be quite different.

      Btw, if Iran was so rabid, shouldn't they have screamed "Israel" when their scientists got killed with very similar madgnetic bombs (by now its quite clear who has the most experience with magnetic bombs)?

      This time a particular sect of people in Israel (and their supporters in the US) may have bitten off more than they can chew and they are bound to throw up on the world stage in course of time.

  15. Sounds like India has a third rate intelligence service or in someone's pocket.

    1. Perhaps not quite as third rate as the US, UK and other "topclass" ones that swore they knew about Saddam's WMDs?! :)

      Get real and don't be childish!

  16. Just read about 3 explosions in Bangkok, Thailand. No surprises - Israel said it was Iran.

  17. Israel is a puppet to US and vice versa. US is itching for a war to keep the Wall Street Bankers afloat and right now they are the bully (as always) goading Iran into firing the first shot. Arabs hate Iranians as does Israel. Then some how the asshole politicians and war mongers got into making decisions. Good on India - let's toss out the USD as the payment factor whilst we're at it and watch US finally get what it deserves. Bye bye Charlie, go back to your red neck territorial boundaries and your massive drug trade and clean up your own house before putting your dirty little fingers in more pies.

  18. Israel - USA = 3rd rate country
