Sunday, March 18, 2012

Power Shortages in California This Summer?

More failed pressure tests of critical equipment at a Southern California nuclear-power plant raised new concerns about safety and possible electricity shortages this summer, reports WSJ.

Southern California Edison utility said Friday four steam tubes, or metal pipes, that carry radioactive water failed pressure tests. Three other tubes ruptured during testing earlier in the week.

SoCal Edison is working with the state's electric-grid operator on a contingency plan to replace the nearly 2,200 megawatts of electricity the plant produces in the event that it remains shut through the summer, said Stephanie McCorkle, a spokeswoman for the California Independent System Operator.

Shortages, of course, only occur when a government institutes some kind of price controls. With the regulators that circle around the California power industry, the regulations and controls could be truly severe, causing massive power disruptions in a state that already has a massive debt crisis.


  1. And still with the veritable crisis in California, we are doused with the propaganda that everything is okay and that our wise and glorious leaders will fix everything if we would just raise taxes on those dastardly rich. This state has been going down since the '70s. It will be interesting to see what happens when the crisis can no longer be denied. I only hope that rational economic policy wins out, but with the lunacy in California who knows.

  2. Maybe that's why Obama signed this executive order (via ICYMI which has EPJ in a prominent place on their cover).
