Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Beltarian View on Totalitarian Turtle Law...

It's no sympathy for the seller of the turtles. The laws must be enforced!

During a HuffPo interview of GMU Prof Tyler Cowen, who is out with a new book that the New York Time completely hates, the topic of turtle law came up.

The food store, Great Wall, in Falls Church,VA, is in trouble with the law for selling red-eared slider turtles. HuffPo asked Cowen about his take on this clearly busybody law. Here's Cowen's take:
 It seems to me they're going to lose that battle [on getting the right to sell the turtles]. To me that's not the charm of the store. Those things are illegal, I think the law should be enforced. I don't have any particular sympathy with them for breaking the law.


  1. Sheeple of the Day Award

  2. What happens when it becomes illegal for a store to sell, say, Tyler Cowen's book? Will he say:

    "Those things are illegal, I think the law should be enforced. I don't have any particular sympathy with them for breaking the law."

    For some people, it really takes being on the wrong side of the law to make them understand.

  3. How does this guy call himself a libertarian?

  4. Remind me again just how in the heck Cowen can be described as "libertarian"?

    1. I stopped following his blog for this reason exactly.
