Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oh This is Sweet: Senate Banking Investigation of JPMorgan to be Headed by Former JPMorgan Lobbyist

The Republic Reports says:
Luckily for [JPMorgan CEO Jamie] Dimon, the professional staff in charge of managing the [Senate]banking committee [hearings] will be quite familiar to him and his team of lobbyists. That’s because the staff director for the Senate Banking Committee is none other than a former J.P. Morgan lobbyist, Dwight Fettig.

In 2009, Fettig was a registered lobbyist for J.P. Morgan. His disclosures show that he was hired to work on “financial services regulatory reform” and the “Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2009″ on behalf of the investment bank. Now, as staff director for the Senate Banking Committee, he will be overseeing the hearings on J.P. Morgan’s risky proprietary trading.


  1. Oh for christs sake... I wonder if he'll come over my house after to help paint, because he'll be pretty good at white washing by then.

    1. where's the upvote button?! I couldn't upvote this enough lol

  2. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  3. How is that not a conflict of interest? We really need to start holding OUR government accountable for this shit.

    1. There's your problem, you still think its "your" government. It is now owned exclusively by Wall Street. Both parties and both the Senate and House. Its over, the middle class lost

    2. And there is the actual problem. People have been convinced that the Government isn't "Ours" and is something to be feared. It is ours... we've abdicated control of it in the name of political ideology and convenience.

  4. Revolution. There are MANY reasons this time around.

    1. Agreed. Now they're not even trying to hide their contempt for the american public.

  5. The report referenced at the republic says that they lost $3 billion of customer money. That is false.

  6. Prep the guillotines.

  7. One more example, the financial sektor is his own judge one more time

    This isnt Lobby work anymore, this is a leak of demokracy,
    laws should be made by gouvernment bc some cant control themself
    it seems, that the guys who should be controled and regulated, rule
    the Institutions and Regulators

  8. I practically guarantee JPMorgan as well as J.Dimond will be duly exonerated and found not responsible of any trading wrong doing. To think that the senate is controlled by the democratic party, suggest that the democrats are also complicit on the corruptions with Wallstreet. Obama please clean up your act! I use to think that the democrats are the god guys and is doing their best to change the failed and dangerous behavior with Wallstreeter's way of doing business, once again failing to protect the public from another round of taxpayers bailout of TBTF financial bank. Appointing the staff director for the Senate Banking Committee is none other than a former J.P. Morgan lobbyist, Dwight Fettig. Could this have any issues of conflict of interest? instead they just revealed to the world that they are in bed with Wallstreet banksters. I am so disappointed. The republicans are order of magnitude worse than the democrats. They would kill anything they don't like then incenerate it to distroy the evidence. The democrats simply whitewash it and sweep the remains under the carpet.

  9. U think there is such thing as Democrats and Republicans still that's cute. Are you from Mayberry? Democrats and Republicans all play for the same team Rockafeller,Morgan,Rothschild they own the fed. Period. (Illuminaughty)

  10. Why isn't there a million laws against this and anything remotely similar. I can't buy beer after 2:00am I can't date a girl under 16 I can't punch my boss in the face no matter how stupid he is. I can't even say the word BOMB with out getting recorded. But these cocksmokers can get away with this and do it right in front of our noses. W.T.F. MAN?

  11. Is there any special reason i mean any suspect behind this investigation..?

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