Sunday, May 13, 2012

Serious Catfight: Michelle versus Oprah

Oprah and Michelle hate each other and they both dish the dirt about the other to Edward Klein, here. It gets real heavy.


  1. They are both right about each other.

    Now if they only just grow up and just be grateful for their privileged lifestyle, albeit one earned it relatively honestly in the private sector. Btw, M's hospital salary doubled or tripled once her husband was elected to public office.

  2. This is going to sound really pissy and annoying, but I think you should be aware. People like myself come here for the E in EPJ, and this inane drivel that belongs in the tabloids makes me less and less interested in visiting your site.

    1. I kinda like the inane drivel. And I'd rather read it here than pick up a (GAAAGH) "People" magazine.

    2. For each person who hates it, there's probably twice as many who find it a refreshing change of pace.

      Plus, can't you just skip over it? Most mice nowadays have this great invention called a "scroll wheel". It's in between the two mouse button, and can help you in your quest to ignore anything that's not the "E in EPJ".

      Get over it, pompous douche.

    3. Get over it, pompous douche.

      LOL! Indeed. WTH is it with these people who come here who want to dictate all content? If some entry isn't for you, don't effing read it, @sswipe.

    4. I lean toward the "don't like it, than scroll down" side of this argument.

      But that said, it doesn't take too many Oprah/Michelle posts before I take this off my favorites bar.

      Not hatin'. Just sayin'.

    5. Yea how dare you come to a freedom oriented website and voice your opinion in a public comment space!

  3. Oh c'mon, wobbles. These minor, fun diversions are like the cartoons in The New Yorker or the sherbert in between courses at a high-end dinner.

  4. Doesn't anyone how to spell catfight? Girls will be girls. Even G.W. Bush like to be surrounded by strong women, starting with his mother.

  5. Another example of how economic policy is formulated in DC.
