Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Upcoming Guests on The Robert Wenzel Show

Sunday, June 24--Walter Block will discuss his new book, Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty

Sunday, July 1--- Derek Pilecki, Managing Member, and Portfolio Manager of Gator Capital ManagementFrom 2002 through 2008, Derek was a member of the Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) Growth Equity Team.  While at GSAM, Derek was the co-Chair of the Investment Committee for the Growth Team and was a Portfolio Manager.  He was also a member of the portfolio management team responsible for the Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Fund, and provided primary coverage of the Financials for the Growth Team


  1. Guest suggestions

    Jim Grant

    Most anyone who Max Keiser interviews

    or who Lauren Lyster has on her RT show

  2. Is there a link to the show archives somewhere?

    1. Search ''The Robert Wenzel Show'' on iTunes. Make sure you listen to all of them. Bob's a genius!

  3. Have you had Lew Rockwell on yet? Tom Woods? Jefferey Tucker? Bob Murphy?
