Friday, July 27, 2012

Another Endorsement from Rand Paul

Marisa Schultz from the Detroit News reports:
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul is on an endorsement streak today. After announcing his backing for Kerry Bentivolio for 11th District Congressional seat, we learn he’s also backing Clark Durant for U.S. Senate. Durant faces former U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra and former Grand Rapids judge Randy Hekman in the GOP primary Aug. 7. The winner will challenge U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow in November.

Paul’s statement on Durant:

“Clark Durant is running as a ‘Rebel With a Cause’ to challenge the tax and spend, establishment culture in Washington D.C. We need leaders like Clark who will not just go with the flow. We need creative problem solvers who will get our government back to its constitutional roots. It is important to send someone who will defend liberty and promote solutions to our fiscal mess.”

“Clark’s race bears many similarities to the campaigns of Richard Mourdock in Indiana and Deb Fischer in Nebraska. Clark is being hammered by establishment career politicians, on both sides of the aisle, because he is surging and is well-positioned to pull of an upset win the primary AND general elections. I am proud to stand with Clark, and urge conservatives to join me in supporting his campaign.”
Clark sure sounds like he is in favor of expansion of the empire, although he couches his view in slick political language. From his web site:
The threats to our liberty and way of life from evil forces abroad remain, and Clark believes we must remain vigilant in providing for our common defense against them, even in the midst of a significant economic crisis.

We must not deny the fact that there are people in the world who want to kill us, and our families, destroy our economy, and ultimately the United States of America. We have the constitutional obligation to deal with these people through our fully funded military might, intelligence apparatus and homeland security, not through diplomatic outreach and apologizing for who we are.

Clark believes this is a long-term struggle against a determined enemy who wants to destroy us and wants the same for our allies in Europe, Africa and Asia, and we must execute this war so that one day, we will claim victory.


  1. It sounds more like a love letter to the defense/financial industrial tax-feeders.

  2. In perusing the issues statements of most of these 'Liberty' candidates, one will discover a mostly pro-military intervention, pro-war on drugs stance. Military/Prison industrial complex, police state love.

  3. "We have the constitutional obligation to deal with these people [...] not through diplomatic outreach and apologizing for who we are."

    Well, the government should certainly apologize for who they are, i.e., sociopathic mass-murderers.

  4. He doesn't even mention the Fed on his economy page.

  5. I like Bentivolio, and his positions about the wars, the police state and the empire are good.

    But this guy Clark sounds like a real sick bastard of the neocon mold.
    The whole small government, spending cut story has been a big laugh with these people. It's been nothing but lies upon lies.

    Neocon rhetoric is full of both warmongering as well as easy platitudes about small government and spending cuts. So this guy is as trustworthy as a sack full of vipers.

    For Rand to endorse this guy, the mask is dropping yet further from his face. Once again, "the son of" is endorsing militarist evil.

  6. "The threats to our liberty and way of life from evil forces abroad remain, and Clark believes we must remain vigilant in providing for our common defense against them, even in the midst of a significant economic crisis."

    Hey Dickhead, I mean Clark, the only enemy to "American's liberty and way of life" is from the imperial capital known as Washington DC. Take your boogeyman claptrap somewhere else. Better yet, take a boat to Antarctica and don't come back.

    Thank you.

    1. "The threats to our liberty and way of life from evil forces abroad remain, and Clark believes we must remain vigilant in providing for our common defense against them, even in the midst of a significant economic crisis."

      Who is threatening our Liberty abroad? The TSA who molests young children? Obama, congress, and the supreme court who unconstitutionally worked together to force us to buy things? Congress and Obama who passed NDAA? Congess and Bush and Obama who passed and extended the Patriot Act? Did anyone abroad raise our taxes so high that we work entirely for the State until about mid June every year and only then do we work for ourselves?

      "We must not deny the fact that there are people in the world who want to kill us, and our families, destroy our economy, and ultimately the United States of America."

      Most of these people seem to be in Washington DC.

  7. Where's the "couching"? Or, maybe I'm so used to reading between the lines that it's obvious by now.

    I wonder if this is the deal to have Ron Paul get to speak at that Sundome.

  8. I don't get it. Why do EPJ and so many of its readers care about Rand Paul so much?

    1. He is the son of a great man, and there was once much promise and hope in him.

    2. Maybe the article in this link will explain why some of us target people like Rand Paul more often than overt statists.

      Especially read point #3.

      Having read the above, realize that Rand Paul is considered by many to be part of the 'liberty movement', yet he has endorsed outright warmongers, voted for sanctions against Iran, and is now also interested in sticking his government nose in private flight businesses.

      The reason Rand is attacked to this degree comes from a desire to guard the meaning of libertarianism specifically, and liberty in general, against water-down artists who only serve to give the opposition ammunition about libertarianism being inconsistent, incoherent and hypocritical.

      So we 'care' about Rand Paul in the sense that we want to make sure there is no association between his so-called 'brand' of liberty and ours.
      He should never be allowed to get away with his sick, statist proposals being in any way a reflection of the liberty-movement's ideals and values.
