Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fantastic: Rockwell on Rothbard Interview

With regard to my recent interview of Lew Rockwell, Charles Burris was kind enough to send the following email out to his contacts:
Please check out this marvelous poignant and insightful interview with Lew Rockwell which focuses upon his long-standing friendship with the great polymath genius Murray Newton Rothbard. For over forty years I have been close at one time or another to persons within Rothbard's intimate circle and they have always echoed what Lew lovingly says about his dear departed friend. Murray was certainly the principal scholarly influence upon my life in forming my intellectual world-view. He was my mentor. Everyday my high school students see a prominent banner in their classroom on the bulletin board proclaiming that this is The Murray N. Rothbard Room.
If you haven't listened to the interview yet, you can find podcast and youtube versions, here.


  1. It would be great to see a photo of Burris's classroom. That would be kind of cool.

  2. Fantastic interview. You let people talk and the flow is great.
