Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Now Boehner Defends Paul Ryan's TARP Vote

You see, Ryan is a "practical" conservative.

(ht Travis Holte)


  1. Well if Practical Conservative John 'No Child Left Behind" Boehner says it, it must be so.
    RepubliCAN !!!

  2. Gotta get me one of those "RepubliCAN" tee shirts!!!
    It'll give me a place to pin my "Whip Inflation Now" button.

  3. I am practically fed up with these clowns!

  4. How you gonna make a tent if you ain't got no TARP ya' dang fools! O-coursin' I had'a vote for dat. Hell, we might ALLLLLL need be libin' in tents if'n me n ole Mitt-boy git eeeelected.

  5. Well, as long as he doesn't let principle stand in the way of practicality.

  6. I'm not calling John Boehner, because he's already sold out to the central bankers and the "defense"/aggression Establishment.

  7. Ryan saved America from going in to a Depression with his vote for TARP. Now he wants to save America from another Depression by ending Medicare and Tricare as we know it. SURE!!!

    Great choice Romney! Everything for the super wealthy, nothing for the people!
