Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Truth About Paul Ryan

Ever since Mitt Romney announced that his running mate would be Paul Ryan, the media has been working overtime trying to define him.

The path they've chosen is to paint him as a small-government, free-marketer. Several have hyperbolically tried to even pass Ryan off as a libertarian!

Now that Ron Paul is leaving the political scene, it's very important not to let the media succeed in re-defining free-markets and libertarianism.

The upcoming election does not present a stark contrast in ideologies. And Ryan will not cut, slash, or gut anything.

Below you'll find all posts that have appeared on EPJ that cut through the propaganda. When you're confronted by those who fear that the welfare/warfare state will come to a screeching halt if Ryan becomes VP, assure them that they need not fear -- and send them a link:


  1. It's not surprising, statist conservatives have tried to warp the libertarian message for years. Sometimes it's hard to tell if criticism is coming from the left or right. Granted the right will always pull the anti-american card when libertarians point out the failures of current foreign policy.

  2. The hysteria about Ryan shows just how screwed we are. The American people don't approach critical thinking. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want to spend OPM with more frugality.

    1. If that were true, why is 70 percent of our national deficit directly related to Republican spending?

    2. Yeh, GWBush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were so "frugal' by invading Iraq.

    3. I guess Iraq was a waste, sponsered by the "frugal" Republicans...

    4. Historically, it might have been true at one point. However, in the past decade or so the only thing both sides always agree is increased spending. The only place they disagree there is by how much. 3% vs 4.5% increase is about the difference. 1.5% is the difference between spend crazy and "frugal" to the media these days. Does it matter if we go over the cliff at 103 vs 105?

  3. Hey Lazarus, it's the Republicans who have run up these massive debts, from Nixon to Reagan, Bush to Bush.

    The Republicans are just as rotten and dishonest as the Democrats. There isn't a dime's difference between them.

  4. I don't think Lazarus was giving Republicans any credit there--as evidenced by his use of "Other People's Money"

  5. Congress, not the President spends money and creates taxation. Sure the system is broken. It is a fact that the Democrats controlled this process from FDR to Clinton. Politicians are just as greedy and short sighted as many people but since there isn't any personality accountability this makes it worse and created a national debt of 17 trillion dollars.
