Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to the United Soviet States of America

A day more significant than 9-11-01 should be marked in the history books: 8-16-12. On that day an American, minding his own business, outside of ranting on his Facebook page, was forcibly taken without charge from his home.

The muscle used to grab Brandon Raub was local Chesterfield County, VA police. Also present during the grab were agents of the FBI and of the Secret Service.

Both the FBI and the Secret Service claim that they were only observing and not participating in the grab. The Chesterfield County police initially stated that they were only carrying out a request from the federal agencies.

The police also claim Raub is not under arrest, even though he was led away in handcuffs and is not permitted to leave the psychiatric ward of a hospital---even though it appears that Raub is not in  any way in need of psychological care.

I note this happened in the United States of America, with local police, FBI agents and Secret Service taking part.

This is extremely chilling. The presence of the FBI and Secret Service certainly implies a significant degree of planning in this effort at a very high level.

I wouldn't doubt there are tens of thousands of people who have written comments on Facebook similar to those written by Raub. Never before would any of those people feared a knock on the door from local police and federal agents.  That has changed.

Let's see if America cares, and what uproar the Raub Grab causes. If it doesn't cause major uproar amongst the people, government has won a major battle against its citizens. I have written before that as long as we have free speech, we have a great amount of freedom in this country, but once freedom of speech is gone, it's all down hill from there. Fearing a knock on your door because of what you might write changes this country big time.

We are at the edge, if there is no uproar with the government backing down, this country is no better than the  old Soviet Union.

My guess is that we will lose.  There aren't enough people who care. From here on out, watch what you say and what you write, even on Facebook.


  1. It's like Minority Report -- Bob Wenzel even predicts future arrests!

  2. I add,watch what you say, especially on FaceBook!

    1. If this is truly an issue, why aren't the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc, getting the same treatment?

    2. Too big to grab. Too high profile.

    3. But the article did not state what Mr. Raub SAID ! Does anyone KNOW what was the "offensive language" to cause this arrest? It sounds like a Bradley Manning re-run.

    4. Unless it has already been taken his name on Favebook. There are two profiles both with pictures of him. One site is very mundane...almost seems sanitized. The other site contains a couple very choice comments that are (if legitimately his) probably the cause of all the fuss.

    5. Does it make any difference what he said? Freedom of speech allows us to say anything we want other than something like shouting out "Fire" in the middle of a crowded theater. We don't have to like what he says to allow him to have that freedom of speech. If he is conspiring with others on how to blow up the White House, that is something he does not have the right to do. Unless we know it to be something that drastic, he should have the right to say whatever he wants (except under Obama, who though swearing to protect and defend the Constitution, has the right to set it aside if he wishes).

    6. He didn't say anything offensive. He "stood up" for America, always advocated peaceful responses, and did not own a gun. As he explained to the authorities, a couple of lines were phrases from songs, and there was some interaction between friends playing an online game that was "smack talking," but in a private section not available for public viewing. Here is a good article about the case, being defended by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute:
      And here is a link to the Support Brandon Raub Facebook page if you want to join the group or support the cause:

    7. To: AnonymousAugust 21, 2012 6:07 PM

      Q: "If this is truly an issue, why aren't the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc, getting the same treatment?"

      A: Because they love and support the state.

    8. Very scary cuz I get upset and rant about stuff that is not right or corrupt...

  3. Bob, the money cabal's world -- including their enforcement arm, the U.S. government -- will soon come crashing down.

    I look forward to the arrival of Dec. 21st and the arrival of the Golden Age.

    Sounds nutty, but read 'The Source Field Investigations' and check out the activity on Crop Circle Connector:

    I like the Gary North approach, to stay clearly within the law, patiently bide our time, and enjoy watching the evil beast die.

    1. Waiting for Dec 21? Kind of like waiting for Christ too descend from the heavens to save us all from our ignorance.
      I am starting to think that these kind of comments are posted on purpose to keep us firmly in our armchairs pecking away on the Internets. With no meaningful action from humanity nothing will change.
      This will bear the same fruit as modern religion.
      Rotten stagnant and toxic.
      Perhaps Dec 21 is the day the Bankers/elite unleash their unleash into action their ultimate plan to enslave us all.
      And this kind of savior thinking is all they need to buy them the time to implement the ultimate control.

  4. I thought about posting White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer's line from a press briefing September 26, 2001 or so along the lines of "Americans need to watch what they say, watch what they do," but then I got nervous. Oh well. What were the exact words?

  5. I have a theory on why this particular action was taken. With Brandon being a former Military person AND being a Ron Paul fan, he is being made an example of given previous reports/policies put out by DHS's Napolitano and the alleged "terrorists" of vets coming home from Iraq or Afghanistan. Based on the fact Brandon fits all of these criteria, he is being treated the way he is in my humble opinion. I see it as being a warning shot to others like him (Vets like him) as well as to the regular Joe who wants to say polarizing statements on social media. We live in a very troubling time and the fact you can be put in a sanitarium just for saying something online is the most troubling. If he was going to be arrested, that is one thing. But this indefinite detention upheld/ordered by a judge is amazing. I'm not sure these people know what they are doing. I see it having the opposite effect they intend. While I don't condone what this person said, this act is unprecedented.

    1. Not so.. read this article... will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Brandon was not the first and appears wont be the last...... Jason expressed his christian values no facebook and read where it got him....

    2. During the Soviet Russia era, people were sent to mental institutions because they didn't agree with the party system. They were labeled "unable to adapt to reality" (paraphrased.) Remember "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest"?

  6. Hey! Come on! He's obviously a crazy conspiracy nut. He thinks our great protectors in government are criminals, who don't care about the law. He must be a loon. He believes all this tin hat talk about government agents coming to people homes, with no warrant, with no legal cause, and arresting people, and then not answering questions afterwords. Can you say kooky?? "Send em to the slammer" (in your best Chief Wiggim)

    1. Think again dude...

      This article shoild change your mind...bthatvis if you have an open mind.

    2. Good satirical comment. LOL (To others, I believe Anon is saying all that "crazy" unrealistic stuff he believed in is exactly what happened.)

    3. This is one sheep I wont feel bad for... good luck to you buddy.

  7. Lew Rockwell did a podcast years ago with a psychologist who suggested that declaring people mentally ill and submitting them to wards against their will was wholly political in nature and had little to do with an medical "treatment". It was simply removing people who are perfectly health because someone doesn't like what they say or their behavior, but has no committed a crime.

    I really despise people who use hyperbole to describe other people's views or behavior as "crazy" or "insane" because it's not long before the state uses this as cover to remove people who dissent. You must be crazy, everyone thinks so, and you're going against my wishes... You're obviously a threat. This thinking can't go on and I usually abmonish someone who suggests it. "you get what I mean" is not an acceptable retort either, because nuance was lost on government employees when they weren't good enough to get real jobs.

    1. Here's a link to the interview with Dr. Thomas Szasz:

    2. I agree 100%. As a whistle-blower and chief engineer over military R and D project ALQ-131 I made the "crazy" mistake by pointing out flaws that would have cost the lives of our service people. Unemployed now for 27 years. I recently checked Megan's list in my community and discovered MY HOME was listed. I have never been arrested, never even been questioned, yet my home has a star on the Megan's law map. listed as a violent sex offender. Orwellian nightmare come true. Like a popular star trek character with big ears, the worst crime in America today is to not make a profit.

  8. Double plus ungood.

    I am just seeing this on Yahoo.

    High school valedictorian denied diploma over graduation speech.
    An Oklahoma high school valedictorian who used the word "hell" in her graduation speech in May has yet to receive her diploma.

  9. Bob, how do you propose we create an uproar? Vote the unelected officials out of office? Go get arrested ourselfes? What are you doing?

  10. Americans won't care. They won't see the principle of the matter. All they'll see is their government taking proactive steps to protect them from a potentially deranged individual.

    Mr. Raub was arrested and committed to a psychiatric hospital for writing hyperbolic comments on facebook. While this is troubling in and of itself, what will be missed by most Americans is that Mr. Raub was not charged with breaking any law. He was simply abducted by government agents.

    Most Americans were fine with the ideas of assassination by presidential decree, and indefinite detention of American citizens, in the mistaken belief that these powers would only be directed against the "other" — Muslims, mostly. They ignored the government's own pronouncements that constitutionalists, veterans, Ron Paul supporters and other politically-aware Americans would be considered by the government as potential terrorists.

    Police state powers are always used first against the least popular groups, people who can be cast as dangerous, traitors, anarchists. Because the principle is conceded by the masses (by their silence, if not outright endorsement) that the government can exercise these powers, future resistance (when the powers are applied more generally) is already undermined.

    1. The American people have been "dumbed down" through our public schools beginning about mid 1960s until now. People who have talked about this have been called all kind of names in the past. We are now reaping the harvest of all the work that has been accomplished by this program. People are still in denial with those that have been recent products of our government schools leading the charge. That is why the government believes the time is right to act as they are doing and it appears they are correct. Sounds like I am crazy, perhaps I will be the next one drug out in the middle of the night to spend my few remaining years in the looney bin doesn't it.

  11. A thought I had: every time some nut with a gun shoots people, people cry "how could we wait for this to happen? People like this should be locked away (or at least have certain rights revoked, like the right to bear arms)!" Perhaps people like that share in some of the blame for this. Perhaps this is government responding to the outcry.

  12. "Let's see if America cares, and what uproar the Raub Grab causes."

    Most brainwashed, authority-loving Americans probably believe our "valiant authorities" prevented another Aurora by grabbing this guy "in the nick of time." Beyond that, they won't give it another thought, especially now that both football season and college party season are starting.

    On the other hand, if the government does "reluctantly" release him from psychiatric care due to some minor uproar -- or if they release him from psychiatric care after his 30 days (or so) are up -- some tragedy may occur, and Raub will be the pre-designated patsy. Then our "valiant authorities" can smugly say, "See? We told you so. We know who among you is dangerous and who isn't. If it hadn't been for a bunch of radical 'liberty' groups, with very dangerous beliefs -- who are taking full advantage of the unregulated internet to influence too many young minds -- those people would still be alive today. You must realize, once and for all, that all speech -- such as the very dangerous statements made by Raub -- is not free. Our valiant law-enforcement heroes, who put their lives on the line every day for the public safety, must no longer be constrained by the misguided whims of people who are living in the past. The Constitution simply is not compatible with public safety in the 21st century, and it is our job to ensure that the public is kept safe from all potential threats."

    I've been expecting this sort of future since the early 1980s. I could see the writing on the wall then, thanks to having been a studier of history, a lover of the Constitution, and, finally, thanks to having read too much well written speculative fiction about dystopian futures and the miseducated American masses who blithely, ignorantly and/or patriotically let it happen in every case.


    1. Again... Brandin was not the first abducted. Aug 8 jason ergoff from pa was taken similar fashion for expressing his christian beliefs... does that make him crazy too? I think not. And it was on talk radio.... not facebook. Youve got to read this article from canada free press.... its real.

  13. Contrary to popular belief, calling for the arrest of someone is not a threat.

    Do they know what a threat is?

    A precedent has been set and all the signs are out there for the deterioration of the US into a totalitarian state.

  14. lets be honest here folks-did he or did he not say he's 'coming for them' and 'heads will be severed' with a picture of him holding a shotgun or not? let's lay all the info out here already. i know he has a right to say whatever publicly-but who wasn't aware that homeland security is just chomping at the bit to make an example out of guys like this? there's a witch hunt on for potentially violent individuals-so advertising your intentions on facebook or twitter is only going to invite a visit from the feds. that's the climate we live in- the rules we've endorsed via our elected leaders. who's really surprised?

    1. If his was an isolated incident you might have a point. It's not, so you don't.

  15. The Government just wants America to be a place safe from all harm, where no doors need be locked, where no one need fear theft or murder from foreigners or locals, where no one knows want or fear.

    It is not a utopian wish.

    Such a place actually exists, and the Government can transform America into such a place.

    A graveyard.

    1. Your comment made me wet my pants, I am now going to have to shower and dress The lefties all applaud this kind of action by our government. They think they are immune from the governments ire and that only the righties will suffer. Wait until they seart getting their midnight knock on the door.

    2. In Heaven. Are you out of your mind? (no pun intended) History is about to repeat itself once again. Why has the worlds people flocked to America all these years??? Because we have been one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Libety and justice for all!! All of this is now in the process of being taken away, wake up! It is a process and is unfolding before our little pea brains as we blog.

  16. The "few" traditional Catholics that exist are very attune to what is going on as a separate culture. The late Marcel Lefebvre, the great missionary archbishop who formed the Society of Saint Pius X, ordained 4 bishops in 1988 (without the permission of the Pope), to keep the faith and traditional Catholic culture/worship alive.

    One of his bishops, Richard Williamson, has conducted sermons/speeches on the relation of 9/11 to George Orwell's 1984. You will hardly ever hear a "mainstream" Catholic priest peep a word about rejecting the lies that the corporate-state complex spoon-feeds the dumbed-down populace. Everyone believes that religion is a touchy-feeling nothing that is completey impractical. Anything that reeks of organized religion is anathema, in part, because mainstream organized religion has been commercialized and synthesized toward a one-world religion, controlled as tax-exempt entities that are pressured not to make "controversial" political speech.

    Not so for the SSPX. Not yet. Traditional Catholics are of the mind that they especially may be persecuted for their resistance to the "tolerant," "pluralistic," New World Order. The oldest Christian communities in the Middle East are all but destroyed due to our wars to fold the region into so-called democracy. They intelligently forsee the possibility that it will take saints made martyrs, who peacefully resist the modern state unto death to begin more widespread resistance among people with little to no belief in God. Robert Higgs himself pointed out that 2/3 of resisters to the WW2 draft were Jehovah Witnesses. He recently wrote that while he has no strong quantitative proof, qualitative evidence (through decades of study) strongly suggests that Christians have usually given the strongest resistance to authoritiarian regimes throughout history. Of course, the Catholics resisted imperial Rome and they also were part of the resistance to Hitler; there are many examples. I strongly recommend reading the late journalist Edward Hunter's "Brainwashing: The Story of Men Who Defied It," published 1958.

    1. P.S. I find it no coincidence that Richard Williamson was attacked by European media for questioning the technical methods used (gas chambers in particular) to murder European Jews and others. He was not questioning the Holocaust itself, he merely had questions of a forensic nature. The journalist immediately asked if that amounted to "Holocaust denial." He was interviewed by a Swedish tv journalist. Questioning the official story of the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. Free speech is definitely very weak in Europe. I know that actress Brigitte Bardot was once fined 30,000 francs for her open opinion about "overpopulation" of Muslims in France. I have my opinion on these matters but I realize that the freedom to search for truth (or express an opinion), and even say that 2+2=4 is being squeezed, were it not for great people on the internet who are loosely organizing against terrible evil. Thank you Mr. Wenzel for letting me post my thoughts. I read this site every day.

  17. Brandon was not the first taken for psych eval against his will... Jason Ergoff scranton pa august 8th.... for expressing his christian beliefs on talk radio. See for yourself....

    1. You've posted this FOUR times already. Quit with the spam.

  18. "watch what you say and what you write" ESPECIALLY "on Facebook."

    If you have to be on Facebook (for business, networking, marketing, etc.) moderate what you write, edit your "likes" (keep them to a minimum or eliminate them all together), reduce your photographs to a bare minimum, delete your political ideology, your religious affiliation (or in my case, atheism), etc. Be smart. We are in 20th century USSR.

  19. What shocks me is the complete isolation of this story from mainstream CONSERVATIVE media, as well as the illusion that the government that allows this will just roll over in the November election. I pray I'm wrong but everything points to an all out attack on not just free speech - but communication.

    ALL CONSERVATIVES should get phone numbers (land lines esp) and alternative communication sources from HAM radio to lesser known social networks ( to communicate with key social network "friends" in advent FB/Twitter and even blog communication is taken down.

    1. 'conservatives' today lust after this stuff. This bootlicker orgy has been going on for a long time. I'm pretty sure there is a massive celebratory circlejerk on sites like FreeRepublic and all the talk radio shows.

  20. Why not tell us what he wrote on Facebook?

    1. Because that would make this article looks ridiculous and nonsensical !!!! The stuff he was writing on FB was really really bad. Along the lines of a terrorist would say.

  21. This is exactly what happened in the old Soviet Union years ago. You can read about it in Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago or any of Richard Wurmbrand's books. Many, many Christians, Evangelical Baptists, were removed from society and drugged in psychiatric hospitals until they just lost their minds. They will have great reward in the Resurrection.

    So why is our country beginning to turn against their own people? All men are created equal and have inalienable rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. God-given rights. So then, any country that pursues this evil will not stand. The USSR: 70 yrs. Gone. And today it will not take as much time.

  22. It is astounding that they arrest this guy for posting a statement on Facebook but the Blank Panthers, are constantly saying that they are going to "Kill white people and put their boots to the necks of whitey", but do you see the authorities doing anything about that? Remember, if you speak out about this administration, you are a terrorist!

  23. We are at a very critical time in history. We are being "Fundamentally Transformed", as promised. This is all a test by our Government to see how we react to both of these forced kidnappings and to what degree they need to plan for at their big event that is coming soon. We are being Psychoanalyzed this very moment. Remember the Government likes "Shock and Awe". The NDAA is being tested people.

    Americans know and understand that with these two people, their rights were violated and the Constitution and Bill of Rights were spit upon. We haven't seen anything yet but we are so close.

    Americans, I tell you now, go and prepare yourselves for the inevitable. You will fight like men or die on your cowardly knees.

    If what has happened to these two people doesn't piss you off, then your not American.

    My Oath stated: I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Those who had any hand in these two people being illegally detained are guilty of breaking their Oath.

    Watch out for problems at the Political Conventions and on our leadup to the Election. I don't believe there will be an Election this time around. I think plans have already been in place for an event to occur which will cause Martial Law and in turn will suspend the election, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Congress and the Judicial Branch of Government. Be prepared!!

    1. I don't believe there are enough brave souls left in this country to put up much of a resistance to whatever the government chooses to do. I remember the "better red than dead" crowd from the late 1900s and I believe that the vast majority of my fellow citizens lack the intestinal fortitude to do anything no matter the injury. They prefer to watch the ball game while somebody else resists. The termination of the draft and the all volunteer military played a large role in this. It wasn't by accident, few things are.

    2. You are right about the ending of the draft . When you get drafted ; you suddenly realize ; that you are no longer in control '; and I think , that the , DRAFT , should still be with us .
      Just going through ; Boot Camp '; makes a man' ,out of a boy ' .


  25. i agree. any comments based on 2nd hand info like this article are not valid in my opinion and equally dangerous to free speech. publish the comments. Facts still Matter!

  26. Finally free! free from any remnants of liberty that remained!
    Congratulations America, well done!
    But now, Leviticus chapter 26 is clearly in view!

  27. Why the remarks to be careful what you say on face book surely the opposite should apply the more open people are the stronger we will be, let them know what we think do not be afraid, perhaps making us afraid to post is exactly what is wanted so do the opposite "post away"

  28. This is the behavior of a socialist totalitarian police state.

  29. Just remember "the worst thing in the world" at the Ministry of Truth. If he comes out apologetic and loving the government, another part of 1984 will have come true.

  30. What a load of crap. The guy was saying and posting things on facebook which were clearly threatening and incompatible with a safe society. You have obviously not read any of the trash talk he was writing on FB. No one needs people like that living with us, just waiting to blow someone up.

  31. Unbelievable. We must start to reduce the size of government
    immediately. People who work for government think they are
    better than the rest of the people who are paying for the
    government. We the people must take back control of our

    Why in the hell should government employees have pay packages
    that are 50% and more above similar private sector pay. It's
    because they are part of a corrupt system.
    How about the 21,000 retired federal works with retirement
    packages over $100,000. per year!!

    Start right now by cutting their pay and benefits 10% each year for the next three years. Stop all new hiring. Make their retirement a mandatory 65 years old. Make them participate in the Social Security system like everyone else. Make them participate
    in Medicare like everyone else.

    Hopefully the ACLU will take action against all those who were
    involved with this "arrest". Those involved should be fired and
    serve jail time.

  32. This is a sign that this country is becomming another Germany under Hitler. We can not stand for our government putting us in consentration camps without due course. WE MUST GET RID OF OBAMA AND THE REST OF THE LIBERALS THIS NOVEMBER. OMG Obama Must Go.

  33. Nowhere did I see what Brandon Raub had written so I cannot/will not make a comment. For all I know, maybe this was justified. Just because some says it was does not necessarily make it so.

  34. Wonder how long the writer of this article has left?
