Friday, August 31, 2012

WOW Listen to Former RNC Chairman Steele on the Dissing of Ron Paul by the RNC

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele appeared on the The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night and told Stewart that what the RNC did to Ron Paul was the height of rudeness and stupidity and went on to ask, "Why would you alienate (Ron Paul) who has the ability to attract a new generation of voters?"

(RP discussion starts just after the 4:00 minute mark)

(Via Julie Borowski)


  1. "Why would you alienate (Ron Paul) who has the ability to attract a new generation of voters?" You would if you are the "Stupid Party"--as they are.

    Paul should have left the RP years ago and just been an independent. He wouldn't have been the only one in Congress. He should have continued his campaign for President as an independent and formed a new political party out of it. But those chances are gone now.

    1. The Republicans are the "Stupid Party" and the Democrats are the "Retarded Party"

    2. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Everybody's a critic.

      The simple fact is that his campaign and what it has done to spread the idea of liberty has been far more successful than anything that I've ever seen and probably ever will see. I knew that he wasn't going to be allowed the nomination, just as I know that he would never be allowed to be president. If you think that our electoral system is aboveboard, you're delusional.

      In fact, I'm glad that he didn't get nominated, because if he were then to be subsequently elected president, that would immediately lower my opinion of him by default. Also, whatever would happen on his watch would be his responsibility, and thus would be blamed on liberty. After everything we've gained, the last thing that I'd want is Ron Paul to become president at this point in time. The cause of liberty is much greater than a political seat to power.

    3. "The cause of liberty is much greater than a political seat to power."

      Exactly. Ron Paul has accomplished so much more toward the spreading of liberty.

    4. I'm under no delusions that the system is "aboveboard". I'm a Rothbardian. I worked in the LP with Rothbard, before it went opportunist. But I'm not wedded to an electoral strategy. Change within the system is now probably no longer possible, only a clean break with it is.

      And RP's campaign was wonderful, no complaints. I'm just saying it didn't have to end when it did. An independent campaign could have brought even more people in. I'm under no illusions that he would be elected, though, since it is the result of human action, no outcome could be ruled out in advance.

      On the other hand, you're the one who doesn't want a Ron Paul to actual gain a position where he could start to dismantle the state! Did it occur to you that the good that would come of his presidency could also be credited to liberty? And as Rothbard and Leonard Read before him said, we should be "button-pushers", we should take every chance to abolish any all parts of the state, even if only for a day!

  2. Good old Michael "Ron Paul is done" Steele. Haven't seen him in a while.

  3. Michael Steele is a very bitter man. I seem to recall his treatment of Dr. Paul in '07 was no better. What a self-serving, angry little man.

  4. "If you think that our electoral system is aboveboard, you're delusional."

    Exactly right. The CIA rigs elections overseas, and engineers coups, but people think they leave the outcomes of domestic elections to chance. So gullible and naive, even people who should know better.

    How do you know the president is an asset of the power elite? He's the president, that's how.

  5. His statement was correct though. it was the height of rudeness and stupidity. If they had just followed the rules everyone would have been happy and probably alot of Paul supporters such as myself would take another look at Romney. Those people work countless hours for the GOP they deserve respect.

  6. "Why would you alienate (Ron Paul) who has the ability to attract a new generation of voters?"

    Well then, thank goodness they did alienate him, because the last thing we need is "a new generation of voters."

  7. Ron Paul has come in for some criticism of late. I read some very caustic remarks by Gerald Celente about the half-hearted way Rep. Paul campaigned. But I think Ron Paul was always more realistic about his chances than his ardent supporters. He knew the extent, power, and influence of the corruption machine he was battling.

    And I agree with the sentiment that the liberty movement is probably better off without a Ron Paul presidency. Most presidents battle either the elephants or jackasses, he would have had to contend with both. And there's a big crash coming regardless of who is in the White House, better that liberty and freedom doesn't take the blame.

  8. When nobody else would, Ron Paul strongly defended Michael Steele two years ago in the wake of Steele's "war of Obama's choosing" comment. I assume that Michael hasn't forgotten it. In any case: Good words, Mr. Steele.

  9. Steele is an imbecile. Have you heard his interview where he states that we are free from paying taxes because we have a choice, even if that choice results in prison.


    It is the very threat of force, either by incarceration or physical violence, that denies your ability to be free. If I were free I could choose to pay or not pay taxes with no consequences.

    Its obvious during the interview that he is very tickled with himself and his ridiculous logic. I found it nauseating.

  10. I respected Paul back in 2008, supported him in fact, passed out End the Fed, bumper stickers etc. But hereis the thing - he's full of it. Yes, he is. The fact that he's stayed with the RP, has not, to my knowledge, said a word against the usurpation of classic conservative values by religious extremism and war mongering, shows without doubt that Ron Paul is just more of the same ol same ol. How many times will the public fall for this tactic before we understand that the players change but the game remains the same?

  11. @AnonymousSeptember 1, 2012 7:57 PM

    "RP, has not, to my knowledge, said a word against the usurpation of classic conservative values by religious extremism and war mongering"

    Ah, your famed knowledge. Yeah, that stuff. Have you no shame, Anonymous?
