Thursday, September 13, 2012

AMAZING: Listen to What Ron Paul Said in August 2011 about Libya

Well, not really amazing, if you are sane and not trying to rule the world. Then it is just common sense.

(ht Travis Holte)


  1. I wish his son wasn't such a douche.

  2. Paul's track record over the years has been nothing short of amazing. How fortunate have we been to have someone with PhD level skills in econ and history representing us almost entirely by himself on the national level for the last few decades? Now he has created a movement large enough to bring on many different standard bearers in a number of different industries. Now it is up to all of us to continue the revolution in true guerilla warfare form: by not having one central leader that the state can focus its attacks on, but by having countless independent and constant attacks against the state in the battle of ideas across all forms of media.

  3. I'm looking forward to the sequel: PAUL UNLEASHED! Coming to a "theatre" near you, once Ron retires from Congress.

  4. I love Ron Paul as much as an unrelated straight guy can. That being said,every time Obama or Romney speaks, it makes me feel like vomiting, even if I don't look like it.

    How is stopping foreign aid withdrawing from the world? I see plenty of people out engaging the world, without throwing garbage bags of cash to anybody they can.

  5. In the comments section of this video I noticed an interesting comment and then response (pasted below). I have to say that it was the first compliment I've gotten for being an American in quite a long time. And it was a very thoughtful one at that! I think this is worth reading.

    COMMENT 1:

    indispensable, we will see just how indespensable we really are. Jesus,the arrogance of this country it is mind boggling and this narcissist president represents us?? He sure as hell does not represent me. The people that made that film, starred in it, distributed it, should be thrown in jail. They have jepardized every american life in the middle east. Should muslims be mad you goddam right they should be mad, mad as hell.

    monjiaitaly 10 hours ago
    COMMENT 2: (a reply to comment 1)

    Speaking in general terms, there is no doubt you Yanks started this fiasco. But the reason I watch the likes of Ron Paul, read your comment, is because of how you Yanks can turn things around. Jesus're good !!!! That all your garbage is displayed so openly on YouTube is a credit to the you all. Now that takes guts and is reflective of how you manage to fix your own stuff ups (mistakes)

    Don't be so damn hard on yourselves. Outsiders, like me, can see what you guys can't. USA !

    231gearon in reply to monjiaitaly 5 hours ago

  6. Was anyone else distracted by Obama looking like a bobble-head doll in that interview?
