I don't have any links yet to any articles in English, but today the Belgian government announced "they want a bazooka against high prices".Price controls only lead to shortages, waiting in lines, favoritism, and lack of innovation. The Beligans should really enjoy this.
Starting next year, every 6 months, a gov agency "will evaluate and correct prices".
via Google translate: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.gva.be/nieuws/economie/aid1249025/ambtenaren-mogen-binnenkort-prijzen-blokkeren.aspx
ReplyDeleteA new "price Observatory" will monitor prices and make adjustments.
That's not a bazooka against high prices. It's a bazooka against entrepreneurs and consumers alike. What is the Belgian government thinking?