Wednesday, September 12, 2012

J. Christopher Stevens Bio

Here is the State Department bio of J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, who was killed today in Benghazi by an angry mob:

 Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service. He arrived in Tripoli in May 2012 as U.S. Ambassador to Libya. Ambassador Stevens served twice previously in Libya. He served as Special Representative to the Libyan Transitional National Council from March 2011 to November 2011 during the Libyan revolution and as the Deputy Chief of Mission from 2007 to 2009.

Other overseas assignments include: Deputy Principal officer and Political Section Chief in Jerusalem; political officer in Damascus; consular/political officer in Cairo; and consular/economic officer in Riyadh. In Washington, Ambassador Stevens served as Director of the Office of Multilateral Nuclear and Security Affairs; Pearson Fellow with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; special assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Iran desk officer; and staff assistant in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.

Prior to joining the Foreign Service in 1991, Ambassador Stevens was an international trade lawyer in Washington, DC. From 1983 to 1985 he taught English as a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco.

He was born and raised in northern California. He earned his undergraduate degree at the University of California at Berkeley in 1982, a J.D. from the University of California’s Hastings College of Law in 1989, and an M.S. from the National War College in 2010. He speaks Arabic and French.


  1. What a tragic event and such a big loss for both US and Libya. A terrific person who dedicated his life to his mission of bringing peace to that chaotic part of the world and never gave up hope on that. As long as there are extremists who take lives of innocent people like Chris in the name of god, this world will never ever see the true face of peace. Rest in Peace!

    1. Thank you for your comments. I agree completely.

    2. what a loss to our country because of our President irresponsible behavior.He ignore their request of their security instead he went for campaigning in florida /denver.

  2. "Islam" does not mean "peace", to the contrary is means "submission". An ambassador representing a country espousing abortion and gay marriage, and while it lasts, freedom of religion in a Muslim country, should have had a bunker surrounded by tanks to protect him.

    1. Not only that, there might be a question -- which nobody will ever cover -- as to whether Ambassador Stevens himself was gay. He was 52 and unmarried.

      Foolish, foolish Americans don't understand how offensive and insensitive it is to export American sensibilities overseas to Muslim countries. In the Gulf War, Muslims went CRAZY that Americans had women in Saudi Arabia and so close to Mecca. Now, a gay ambassador?

      Wake up.

    2. Drawing conclusions from self generated unproven speculations? People are becoming intellectually more lazy everyday about basing their arguments on a firm foundation of facts. No wonder our politicians feel they have free rein to tell us blatant lies ... because the facts dont matter.

    3. why isn't anyone asking who the "three other Americans" were that were killed?

  3. Tom, what part of Arkansas do you live in?

    1. Fellow Americans... it is not time to be partisan. I am a Vietnam Era Veteran. War is not the answer nor sending troops to the Middle East to be engaged in another war. Diplomacy is the name of the 21st century along with technology and using other nations forces to assist in missions. Bush after 9-11 introduced surveillance and technology . President Obama who cares for human life and the life of innocent people utilizes diplomacy and technology (such as the drones). He is not weak on foreign affairs and is TRULY hated by the Taliban, Al Qaeda and many Muslims. Let's rally around our president and the US policies. The Hawkish days are gone and Thank God for that WISDOM!!!
