Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lloyd Blankfein: "I am not a socialist, but..."

At a conference in Toronto, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, said he is not a socialist, though he believes the economy hasn’t done a good job of distributing wealth fairly.

Blankfein made this idiotic comment as his firm promotes every conceivable regulation that makes it impossible for upstarts to compete against Goldman. In another gem, he said he liked hard assets because of the price inflationary consequences of all the central bank printing going on. He failed to mention the heads of the central banks causing the price inflation include European Central Bank head, Mario Drgahi, who is a former Goldmanite as is New York Fed president Bill Dudley.


  1. Let me guess... he also forgot to mention his $16 million salary, and the $20 billion Goldman got from the AIG bailout?

  2. Ironic bankster is ironic.

  3. If your title is "CEO of Goldman Sachs," then by definition, you are a socialist. As the last decade proved, Goldman Sachs cannot exist in a free market.

  4. Any time someone starts a sentence with "I'm not a socialist, but" you can bet they are socialist.

    It's like when someone says they have "black friends, but" you can believe they are racist, lol

  5. I am not a donkey, but I have big ears, four legs, kind of look like a horse, and go eeeh ahhh, eehh ahhh.

  6. I agree with Blankfein. I'm not a socialist, and I also believe the economy has distributed way too much money his way.

  7. Hey! You guys leave the poor man alone - he's doing God's work.

    And for the record, what he actually said was that he liked hard asses because the price of fellatio constantly rises from all the central bank pimping going on. Just so you know...
