Wednesday, September 12, 2012

OMG, Now We Have a Stevens Death Pic

Drudge is running a picture which appears to be the body of Ambassador Stevens.

This will help fuel the warmongers back home. The Libyan ambassador is dead, let's attack Syria and Iran!


  1. Another photo here, much clearer:

  2. The timing here is not an accident. This is one big exercise in incitement for larger political ends.

    1. Yes, the Brotherhood in Egypt would love to get their people hot & bothered. Easier to take out the Coptics.

  3. Awful. Just awful. This is the chicken and the egg with respect to blowback and our foreign policies. It is the whole reason we need to abstain from foreign entanglements and heed our forefathers wisdom.

    We can all find reasons to kill one another. That's the easy part. Or we can stop our hegemonic and empire building policies that agitate for war, and show the world an example of liberty, value of life, and standard of living that everyone would do well to emulate.

  4. "Or we can stop our hegemonic and empire building policies that agitate for war, and show the world an example of liberty, value of life, and standard of living that everyone would do well to emulate."

    Bwaahhahahahaha! That's so CUTE! Maybe we can start on that after the nuclear fallout clears.

  5. From the summary:
    "The Libyan ambassador is dead, let's attack Syria and Iran!"

    Well, that's only fair. "Syria bombs a Berlin nightclub, let's bomb Libya." So "The Libyan ambassador is dead, let's attack Syria" would only be the fair thing to do.

  6. The Al CIAda have been busy again.

  7. Of course, I agree that this country (USA) is always fair in their practices. Therefore we will involve ourselves in nation-building until an attack on foreign soil is justified so we can subsequently justify the continual building of our Military Industrial Complex.

  8. Boy, you guys are really into America bashing. What happened to one nation under God, truth justice and the American way, mom and apple pie? You act like you would't trust your government as far as you could through it. We're Americans! Stand up and be counted! Look around you!

    Well ahhh, maybe it's best not to look right this minute. Actually it would be better if you didn't look at all. That's right, just keep your eyes closed, tightly closed, no peaking, and everything will be juuuust fine. Hey look! Real housewives is on. Don't want to miss that, and Dancing with the Stars has announced the new line up, oh, and the new Iphone is out. Wow! What was my point?

    Holy crap! You guys may be right...

    1. Seriously.

      Anyone who doesn't immediately see through this is functionally retarded.

  9. We have a body of a dead ambassador but no body of OSB. Hmmmm.
