Sunday, October 28, 2012

MUST VIEW Ron Swanson: Libertarian

(ht Travis Holte)


  1. The best thing about kids is that they call theft theft, harm harm, and lies lies.

    The BS circus has to be pounded into them to get them to believe that our cultural laws are not what they clearly are.

    Great clip--

  2. I'd give her an A+ for that first one.

  3. "4th graders aren't supposed to have their heads crammed with a a bunch of weird ideas..." Unfortunately that is exactly what happens in the public school system (FDR saved this country, etc...)

  4. My favorite part of the whole show xD

  5. He could have added to the lunch metaphor by saying..."think of my bowels as the vast government bureaucracy and what comes out in the end is for you"....

  6. Ron Swanson is one of the greatest characters (on a wonderful show) in TV history. Bacon is god.

  7. Someone in Hollywood has heard of a Libertarian? Who'da thunk?

  8. Ron Swanson is the man. If you haven't, watch it all.

  9. Ron Swanson is a parody of a libertarian. A tool used to suggest that libertarians are weirdos that hand out land mines to nine year olds, while working a government job. In real life, anyone who acted as his character does would lose his government job and likely spend some time in prison. The show is funny at times, but is pure fantasy.
