Thursday, October 4, 2012

Night of the Living Pelosi

Check out this new campaign ad from John Dennis, the California Republican who is running to unseat House Minority Nancy Pelosi.

This off the wall ad portrays politicians the way they should be portrayed. Don't miss the Goldman Sachs annual report that flashes in the clip.


  1. I sent him some money.

    Unfortunately, the CA GOP has written him off as not possibly winning, and is therefore not giving him any support.

    All the Republicans in his district will vote for him, but that is only about 20% of the population there. Independents and crossover Democrats are what he is targeting.

    Last time (2010) he got over 30% of the votes, better than anyone who has ever run against Pelosi. This year, thanks to Prop 14, he will do even better. It would be cool if he won!

  2. Battle zombies. Battle Nancy Pelosi. Ah, but I repeat myself.

  3. the republicans have written him off NOT because they think he is a lost cause but because he is a liberty candidate and the GOP/RNC would rather have Pelosi back than to have a liberty candidate. Would not surprise me if they were secretly funneling money to Pelosi
