Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sheldon Richman So Great That They Had to Fire Him

The Koch-controlled FEE has just put out an official notice that Sheldon Richman will be replaced by Max Borders, who will be the new Editor and Director of Content, at FEE. The position includes responsibility for external publications, including editorships of The Freeman magazine, TheFreeman Online and FEE.org.

A friend emails:
Odd the article talks about how great Sheldon was, since they apparently didn't consider him great enough to not fire.

So who is Max Borders and what are his views? This will partly be a mystery. According to his blog, he wrote something about the Kochs, that appears to have been a good career advancing move. He directs us to  Here I defend Koch Foundation from the MSM. Hmm, unfortunately, the link is now dead.

But his views on war are on his blog and decidedly not the heroic anti-war views of Richman:
 I don't imagine that David Petreaus is up for any Nobel peace prize. But perhaps no man on earth has done more to bring more people from terror to normalcy more quickly than he. And he didn't "do it" in the way of the technocrat, exactly. He used as much top down as bottom up. 
One question remains: will history forget about the victory in Iraq as the MSM has? Why is no one willing to admit these gains? Report them? It's discusting how ADD the media have become after 6 years of if-it-bleeds-it-leads reporting. Now that victory doesn't match up with their ideologies, they're willing to move on to domestic matters. We the People and They the Soldiers have sacrificed so much to eliminate al Qaeda and to bootstrap stability in that part of the world -- which was, to be fair, the "neocon" agenda at the outset. People like Paul Wolfowitz - and even W. - might have been maligned by the press. A [sic]much of it they deserved (particularly on the question of how the war was executed.) But I think history will see them in a better light.

Paul Wolfowitz being seen by history in a better historical light? Stability in that part of the world? Oh yeah.


  1. This is total bs. I assume his spOnsoring the Scott Horton Show was the last straw. Did some blood soaked donor offer them a few nickels if they would just lay off the foreign policy stuff? Let's call the roll of anti war or at least war skeptical institutions being corrupted over the past year: FEE, CATO, who else? I know the tenth amendment center were offered a bunch of money if the would just shut up about foreign policy. They turned it down, bless them

  2. Leonard and Hans are rolling in there graves.

  3. Republican moneybags are silencing authentic libertarian voices and corrupting libertarian institutions. Nothing new under the sun.

  4. Sure makes a lot of typos for an "Editor and Director of Content"

  5. His defense of the Kochtopus was also posted here: http://www.sfexaminer.com/blogs/year-inside-kochtopus

    And according to this http://newthreatstofreedom.com/authors/max-borders/
    he not only graduated from, but also serves as a mentor in the Koch Associate Program.

  6. Found the missing article by MB: http://washingtonexaminer.com/a-year-inside-the-kochtopus/article/130070 -- Felix

  7. Add this to Jess Benton and Rand Paul, and we see that the sickos and statists are trying to stifle the libertarian movement.

  8. "Max Borders." Lol. Almost sounds like a tongue in cheek reference to American empire expansion.

  9. Sheldon Richman rocks- Screw the Koch Bros moral bankruptcy!

  10. First Cato, now FEE. The idea of this assclown Borders editing The Freeman in place of Richman is a sick joke.

  11. I know Max Borders from his links on facebook of all places. He fits into the mold of a statist minarchist like the Koch Brothers love. Richman was an intelligent man that seemed to be very sympathetic if not in favor of Rothbard's views ( I remember this from all my radical anarchist positions on his posts). Richman was a much more important figure in the fight for liberty than is Max Borders. It seems those statist Koch Brothers are getting their way by hiring a bunch of people who advocate minarchism and have no idea how monetary theory works or the effects on money by a central planner or state. Richman seems to have understood this to a certain extent. I see this as one step back for FEE, but at least the Mises Institute is still thriving and will only grow in numbers. Forget FEE, they're moving in the wrong direction in many aspects. Your blog is more important than their statist institute now, that's for sure.

  12. I guess Reason will be next to purge anti-war libertarians and go full Randian warmonger.

  13. Did the Koch's have anything to do with selling the old FEE mansion? It is my understanding that that happened a few months ago and I was saddened and puzzled by the move.

  14. Will Richman still write articles for Reason?
