Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Economic Case for the Right-to-Work

Richard Ebeling emails:

Dear Bob,

Last month the Michigan Chamber of Commerce released, "2012 Michigan Competitiveness Report," of which I am one of the co-authors from Northwood University.

I have posted on Northwood University's blog, "In Defense of Capitalism & Human Progress," a extended version of my primary contribution to the report on "The Economic Case for Right-to-Work."

I challenge the leading rationales and justifications for compulsory union "closed shops," and argue for the importance of open, competitive labor markets from the points-of-view of both personal liberty, and adaptive and consumer-oriented production in society.


  1. Let's go T Wolves!

  2. Why is it that people who claim to believe in free markets often desire to regulate employee-employer relationships and agreements?
