Monday, November 12, 2012

Neocon Bill Kristol Sees Rand Paul as a Strong Presidential Candidate


  1. Well if that isn't the kiss of death...

  2. Kristol said that does not like Ron or Rand, but from a purely analytical standpoint, Rand Paul could be in the top tier in 2016.

    Don't crush the neo-cons, help them to understand that our empire is immoral and unsustainable. Win them over to the arguments of liberty!

    1. "Don't crush the neo-cons"

      Why not? They like liberals and paleocons don't want to accept the fact that the state is evil. As far as I'm concerned all three ideologies are the enemy of those who follow NAP. Libertarians have to accept the fact that there are people who won't chance no matter how many facts one presents.

    2. what is the point of sniffing out paleocons?

  3. Kristol gives me the creeps, but he does serve as a sure-bet contrarian indicator. If he says something is up, you can bet the mortgage that it's really down. If he thinks Rand Paul is a good candidate...

    1. he's the guy who said romney would win in a landslide, correct?

    2. I don't think so. He was never really on board with Mitt... Called Obammy a "born again neocon"...


    That pretty much ruins any chance Rand would have based upon Kristol's prediction ability. Check out this link to see some absolutely hilarious predictions by Kristol over the years.

    Had Rand not pissed off all of his dad's millions of followers, I would actually agree. But the way he sold out his dad and has been campaigning for neo-cons and buddying up to them ruined his base and any chance he had. No one likes or trusts a benedict arnold on either side.

    1. What if it's a change of strategy. Ron Paul, who was a libertarian, always played within Republican field. Now Rand, also a libertarian, also playing within the GOP, and probably more neocon than his father, it's a new way of getting a libertarian to be elected president (assuming that Rand Paul once he achieves his objectives says "This is not my party.", as his dad did.). I think there is a lot of time to see what is Rand Paul thinking doing.

    2. You should believe people when they tell you who they are...

    3. I also like how the foxnews people grudgingly admitted but wouldn't admit anywhere near the extent that ron paul has the youth vote and is the only republican to do so....they tried to downplay it and seemed to hope that rand could get the same youth support that ron did. The foxnews people looked really pissed, but kristol is the kiss of death.

  5. Those pesky young people! They don't like war and we are going to have to manage that somehow.

  6. A mixed blessing from Kristol is evil enough to indicate what Ron Paul supporters already suspect: Rand cannot be trusted. Foreign policy and the debt are key, and Rand should be taking a stand to remove as many (overseas) troops as possible, and cut as much spending/taxes as possible. Eliminate the federal warfare/welfare state.

    We as individuals can come to non-violent/voluntary agreements to take care of each other. Some of this will involve a lot more people getting a lot wealthier. Oooooh, what a crime! That would horribly benefit everybody!

    Personally, under a free-market I would dream of owning my own plane (heck, why not go in on one with a group of friends). Instead I am forced to pay for the murdering of foreigners, the weapons and pay of the people that kill them, and the welfare recipients to provide the obfuscation for foreign/domestic control.

  7. LMAO @ the outward struggle the Neocons are now realizing.

    It's even funnier that they think Rand will deliver them signifcant votes.

    Neocon thought bubble: "Those damned people with principles that won't compromise are fucking annoying, and now we need them!"

    I doubt the GOP will die(but one can hope), in the bigger paradigm though of a potential currency collapse none of it may matter.

  8. Here it starts. Maybe Rand can persuade us to vote this time. First that Tea Party nut Hughes and now this. Tisk Tisk

  9. There probably won't be a USA as we know it in 2016, thanks to our current buffoonocrats. So whatever.

  10. Rand Paul will NOT get another penny from many of his former supporters, so he will have to find a new base, and the GOP may be desperate enough to support him, but he stated he was NOT a libertarian, so why would libertarians want to support him?

  11. Hopefully Rand can win DESPITE a jackhole like Kristol talking about him. Kristol is one of those smug, slimey insiders that makes me think our country is lost, but hopefully he'll get cut down to size a bit for how completely 100% wrong he was about Romney... Then again what am I saying - the same people gave us McCain...

  12. I donated to Rand Paul repeatedly in 2010, but won't be giving him a cent and wouldn't even make the trip to vote for him in a GOP primary. Justin Amash, yes I would, but not Rand. He is done, and does not have the base of millions of supporters that Ron has so he is basically done.

    No one trusts the Benedict Arnolds on either side.

  13. its pretty obvious that Rand Paul is a top tier candidate; he has national organization, name recognition, and money raising ability, and is very strong on the issues. Only an idiot would need Bill Kristol on this one.
