Thursday, November 15, 2012

Warren Buffett Endorses Hillary Clinton For President In 2016

The billionaire crony-investor just endorsed Hillary Clinton for President in 2016, reports HuffPo.

"I hope it's Hillary Clinton," Buffett,  told CNN on Wednesday. "I like what she believes in. I think she's extraordinarily able and energetic for that matter in pushing those beliefs. I don't see how you could have anybody better qualified."

Huh, and he didn't even mention Hillary's crony commodity trading skill in turning $1,000 into $99,540.


  1. I'm sick of politicians pushing their beliefs.

  2. What beliefs? Global governance?

  3. "I like what she believes in."

    Which, besides more power for herself, is what exactly?

  4. Or her completely ignorant idea to give each baby a bond that matures when they are 18 so they can have money. How brilliant!

  5. You have to remember to him cronyism is just good business based on profitable relationships.

  6. Yeah just what we need, another Femi-Nazi bitch. Not to mention warmonger, and financial elite whore.

  7. no, can guarantee Hilary wouldn't be president. Where Barry is Teflon, Hilary is a lightning rod that has been annoying the shit out of foreigners for the last four years instead of voters. hell if she had won in 08, she would have been thrown out a couple of weeks ago. She isn't a fool, but has no charm and acts in an incredibly high handed imperial manner.

  8. In other news, rest of world endorses Warren Buffett for embalming in 2016...

  9. It's a pitty he didn't follow his dad's steps in promoting a non-interventionist policy, sound money and free markets.

    Howard Buffet was a close friend of Murray Rothbard.
