Friday, November 9, 2012

While MSM Screams about an Iranian Attack on an Unmanned US Spy Drone

A discussion on the innocents killed by US drones.

HT David Kramer, who, by the way, titled his post leading to this video, Joe Klein—The 'Madeleine Albright' of Our Time.


  1. With all the "PreCrime" implications raised by this debate, i.e., killing people saves lives, there is really only one comment made here worth noting.

    "There is a really major possibility of abuse if you have the wrong people running the government. But the bottom line in the end is whose 4-year-old gets killed."

    Uh, pardon me? If you are running a government that murders, even the possibly guilty, without the slightest consideration for public due process, and in a way that also murders innocents who happen to be in the vicinity, you are by definition "the wrong people."

    1. That was Klein's way of saying that Obama murdering children is okay, but it would be bad if Bush or Romney was doing it.

    2. You are completely correct. My point is this:

      Obama = Wrong People
      Bush = Wrong People
      Romney = Wrong People
      Republicans = Wrong People
      Democrats = Wrong People
      CFR, etc, etc, etc.

      The Wrong People run the government. Perhaps much of the problem stems from the concept of "running" a government that ought to be mostly dismantled except for that which was originally built by the Founders. We are perfectly capable of running ourselves using sound money and free market econ if we could, somehow, dismantle the Wrong People.

      Sorry, got on a rant for a sec...

    3. Joe Klein: My definition of the wrong people would be those not using aggressive foreign policy at all, and not making any money off of not using agressive foreign policy. Dead 4 year olds help the "right" people keep this misery-system going.

      (laughs maniacally; then vomits pea-soup)

  2. The hypocrisy of these sociopaths is so brazen that it's sickening.

  3. Besides Joe Scarborough, none of those laptop bombers has any understanding of the phrase "death before dishonor."

    As Mark Shea would rightly quip, this is consequentialism on parade.

  4. "But if someone really thinks, in advance, that it is open to question whether such an action as procuring the judicial execution of the innocent should be quite excluded from consideration -I do not want to argue with him; he shows a corrupt mind."

    -Elizabeth Anscombe, 'Modern Moral Philosophy'

  5. The idea that an american 4 year old's life is worth more than any other 4 year old is sick. We are all human what country we belong to neither increases or decrease our value. It is very very sick for anyone to think otherwise and believe this propaganda!

  6. What a sick, depraved, amoral bastard.

  7. This Joe Klein dude is beyond reprehensible. A complete "tird." And it's oh so sad that his mentality is the same as those running this drone program.

    Besides, we could stop the vast majority of suicide terrorism tomorrow by simply withdrawing our troops from Muslim lands. Our presence there instigates and inspires suicide terrorist attacks against us.
