Thursday, December 20, 2012

Obama Children Kill Count vs. Adam Lanza

(ht Travis Holte)


  1. As soon as I saw who the source was I turned it off. I agree with the premise, but he is so unreliable for real information that it's not worth watching.

    1. You NEED to watch it, and then comment you moron. If Rachel Maddow, or some FoxNews bimbo had played it, it would have had the same effect.

      The end literally made me sick to my stomach. God damn them all to the tenth circle of hell!

    2. I think the last time of mine he wasted was about him breaking all this information that showed the seals helicopter was shot down because they were going to come clean about the bin laden raid. Too much bullshit from this guy. I'm done wasting my time with him. I can read about this stuff in other actually credible places online.

    3. Here is liberal Young Turks Guy doing the same story.

  2. I don't follow, but as far as I could tell the info in the video was very reliable and the footage at the end was especially heartbreaking. What these politicians are willing to do and say is disgusting.

  3. Alex is an excitable individual and passionate. I can see how some might be turned off. That said, anyone who feels he is unreliable is simply afraid of the facts. If he has said something wrong (pretty rare occurrence) he owns up to it.

  4. Disinfo agents depends on people ignoring/listening to news sources based on their perception. Do you ignore everything from the NYT, WSj or Washington post? I discount much of it...but I think critically about every story individually...otherwise it would be easy to poision the well....and yes...disinfo agents specialize in poisoning the well.

    Just because David Icke talks about lizards, doesn't mean his views on torture aren't better than Donald Rumsfeld's. You are not using logic if you simply shut your brain off after certain pre-programmed signals are hit.

  5. Good video. I think Alex Jones is a man of integrity and a bold voice for the truth, even if his shout-growling evokes the wild-eyed uncle cornering you at Thanksgiving. Although the content is good, it's annoying that Infowars has become the 21st Century successor to the John Birch Society, with Jones inheriting the role of wild-eyed, basement-dwelling yardstick by which all libertarians are measured. We're all 'Truthers' now.

    One thing is for sure: Jones has absolutely got to start moderating his comment threads. The racism, paranoia, religious prophecies and violent calls-to-arms that pollute every comment thread are pure catnip for the jackals at Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Not making it easy for us, Alex.

    1. I'm curious: what is the problem with JBS? Are they statists now, after roughly sixty years of being fiercely anti-communist?

      The only thing I can recall about them was that they hated the idea of water fluoridation - but not because they didn't like kids having good teeth, but because the issue - how to improve kids' dental hygiene in general - was "solved" with a program worthy of the Soviet Union, namely: but a known poisonous chemical into everyone's water - man, woman, child, everyone - and "hope" that those people that drank the most water would need to most help with their teeth.

      Arguing just from the facts, but...involuntary mass medication, with no medical oversight of the mass medicated does sound like something socialists would do, and not something one would expect from a land billing itself as "the land of the free".

  6. Anyone ignoring this information is doing himself a huge disservice. There is too much information corroborating with Alex Jones. It's now far more important for the government to suppress knowledge of the murder of families than boxed-up soldiers, most of whom are sadly killing themselves.

    What Jones does is far from easy. I can imagine the emotional and physical stress he must deal with every day. Regardless of human faults, we need people like him. Every person that battles for liberty, truth and morality is indispensable. Hardly anything government does is indispensable. Foreign policy and the Federal Reserve are the two most important issues. If only we could starve the latter out, we could do away with the former. I'm impatient. I want liberty in my lifetime. But I'm not too selfish; I want it for grandkids too.

    Most Americans are innocent of murder in the Middle East. But the ignorant should become aware of what's happening, if only to try to spread this information. People don't realize that they don't have to do something futile, like call for impeachment or call for the arrest of the president (this would be great, though). They must change the way they live, and opt out of this system as much as possible.

    Edwin Vieira has long written about the revitalization of the state militias. My agreement overlaps greatly with his, but I simply think that an armed, trained, knowledgable and decentralized (non-coerced) citizenry could accomplish the security and prosperity of a free-state. The more states, the better.

    I have just ordered Vieira's new book (on CD), The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of the Militia of the Several States. While I have problems with any written document I didn't sign, I am always eager to listen to what Ed Vieira has to say.

    I hope gun sales continue to explode. We need self-defense more than ever. I don't advocate offensive violence at all, but we NEED weapons. We were put here to be the best we could be under freedom, not to be defenseless slaves stripped of the right and ability to choose who comes into our homes and schools.

  7. Damn you Wenzel. I just sat down with my family and watched this- forced them to watch it- and seeing my father cry, and hearing my God-fearing mother curse has ruined my night.

    Thanks a lot. Why don't you post videos of bunnies hopping, or cute kittens instead of the horrible reality shows?
