Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tom Woods on Fire

He talks secession and then explains secession in relation to the Constitution.

Watch this and you will know more about secession than 99% of Americans.


  1. Tom Woods is on fire indeed. God I love that guy.

  2. Here are some examples of secession: divorce, quitting your job, canceling your gym membership, and leaving your parent's house when you turn 18. Oh, and let's not forget West Virginia leaving Virginia.

  3. One more example of secession is the American colonies seceding from the British Empire. I hear that particular secession is allowed to be celebrated over there.

    As for Tom Woods, he gets better and better in my opinion.

  4. Everyone should start using the phrase "Secession Day" when referring to July 4th.

  5. tom will end up as the HL Mencken of our age

  6. Secession is good, just not good enough. It still requires majority rule, forcing the secession of an entire state from a federal union. What about those in the state that do not want to secede? The better course is distribution of power. Here's what I mean. We need a new division of powers at all levels of government. Let the politicians PROPOSE, but let people, thru voluntary ideology-based organizations like political parties (I call them "cantons") DISPOSE. In other words, distribute the power of the purse away from politicians (who have everywhere been captured by special interests) and vest it where it belongs: in the people.

  7. Tom Woods should read Lysander Spooner.
