Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kentucky Tea Party Not Impressed With Jesse Benton

The Louisville Courier-Journal reports:

[Senator Mitch] McConnell has been sending staff members to tea party meetings around the state and more recently hired [Jesse] Benton, who is married to the granddaughter of tea party icon Ron Paul.

Benton ran Sen. Rand Paul’s 2010 general election campaign and former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign.

In its press release, the United Tea Party accused McConnell of “co-opting” the tea party for his own purposes.

“The message from our members, reflected in our words and our actions, are derived solely from our membership and are not for sale or rent to politicians seeking re-election,” the news release says.

[John T. Kemper III spokesman for United] said tea party groups haven’t objected to McConnell staffers attending their events but see them as “information gatherers” for the senator.

And Kemper said tea party members believe Benton’s hiring was nothing more than pandering for their support — and they aren’t that impressed with Benton anyway.

“What I tell people is, ‘If Jesse does for Mitch McConnell what he did for Ron Paul, then we’re all in good shape,’ ” he said.


  1. You can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

  2. sounds like kemper did his homework

  3. LMAO @ that last line.

  4. “What I tell people is, ‘If Jesse does for Mitch McConnell what he did for Ron Paul, then we’re all in good shape,’ ” he said.


  5. ‘If Jesse does for Mitch McConnell what he did for Ron Paul, then we’re all in good shape.’


  6. "What we have here is a failure to communicate." TP people universally believe that the old guard, career politicians, are part of the problem and cannot, by virtue of philosophy, be part of the solution. Machine politicians on both sides will be under attack, as they should be. When Mr. McConnell comes out for term limits, I will consider how close he is listening to the TP that he hopes to endear.

  7. TP people universally believe in the truth of corruption by the system over time. All Congressional reps. that have become part of the elite DC establishment are the problem, therefore, cannot be part of the solution. When Mr. McConnell takes to his platform that he will do everything to term limit congress, stop the creation of congressional exceptions for what congress imposes, he will never get TP endorsement. Abuse of power is bi-partisan.
